Chapter 29

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Liam's P.O.V.

Okay so it was official Collins was a total pain in the butt.

When Paul and I got back to the hotel he and I had a stern talk about my behavior. That made me even more mad at Collins, she was the one who kissed me! I decided that Collins was going to "suffer" for getting me into that much trouble. Then it hit me, who does Collins not wan't anywhere near me? 


I called Danielle and told her I wanted to get back together with her. I don't really know why I am so mad at Collins, but she really ticked me off calling me a baby and all. Danielle was so pumped and flew over to Tennessee around 2:00p.m. that afternoon. She brought some things of hers and was planning to enroll at our school tomorrow.

I can't wait to see Collins face when she sees Danielle...

Collins P.O.V.

Oh my gosh! I know why Liam brought Danielle here, it was to make me jealous. Well two can play at that game Mr. Payne...

"Hey Harry!" I shouted to Harry who was currently talking to Louis. "Oh, hey Louis do you mind if I talk to Harry alone?"

"Nah, go ahead," Louis replied and walked away to class with Zayn.

"Hey Collins, what do you need?" Harry asked excitedly.

"Would you like to maybe go out sometime?" I asked awkwardly.

"Sure," Harry said happily. "Wait, we can hang out around school together if you wan't," I proclaimed trying to get Harry to walk with me and make Liam jealous.

"Alright," he responded and then grabbed my hand. Harry was the perfect person to get under Liam's skin.

Harry and I started walking and talking about how we both miss Macy terribly, and while doing that we walked by Liam and Danielle who were holding hands. Liam looked out of the corner of his eye and noticed Harry and I holding hands as well; his jaw literally dropped.

Liam then ran over to us with Danielle not far behind, and began talking to Harry about the most random things. "Sorry Liam but we gotta get going," I said tugging on Harry's arm to get him to shut up and walk me to class. "What's with you?" Harry asked curiously.

"Nothing at all, lets just get to class," I retorted a little annoyed at Liam's attempt to show Danielle off, like look who's back Collins.

The bad part was that Liam,and I sat next to each other in 1st period. "Hey Collins," Liam said pulling off another fake smile. "Hi, Liam can we make it through the day without ripping each others throats out?" I questioned cocking my head like Macy. "I don't know you do have the tendency to stick your tongue down my throat randomly," Liam smarted back. 

"You don't try to stop me, do you?" I asked back with a fake smile like his.

"Hey Liam!" Danielle shouted waving her hand like crazy as she walked into the classroom.

"Alright class I know school just started back, but we have a project to do," Mrs. Jenkins said entering the classroom and interrupting our conversation.

"For one week you and your partner will share a baby, and take care of it," she continued. "You'll have to feed it, change its diaper, and also remember it does have a recorder on it so at random times it may record what your saying."

"No dirty words!" she then warned. "Alright, now to assign partners!" she eagerly stated and began calling off of a list who our partners would be.

Please be Harry, please be Harry was all I was thinking right now, but just my luck guess who I got...

"Collins and  Liam you will be partners, but please get along with one another," she said eyeing us both to make sure we got  the picture that we need to 'get along'.

"Okay, so I guess um...Harry and Danielle, by the way welcome Danielle," Mrs. Jenkins said reading off the last partners on her list. 

Both mine and Liam's jaws dropped to the floor, this was so unfair. "Alright, class here is your dolls you are to give it a name and when I come back in about five minutes, have a name picked out." 

Apparently Liam and I had a boy baby is dressed in blue...

"Okay Liam, I care about my grades massively, and if you try to get me a bad grade I swear I will HURT you," I warned, eyeing him like Mrs. Jenkins previously had done.

"This is my grade too," Liam said sounding aggravated. "Anyway what do you wanna name the thing?"

"If we wan't a good grade we are going to do this right, so for starters it is not a 'thing' it is "your son"," I said beginning to get aggravated as well.

"Fine wifey, what would you like to name our son?" Liam said being a smart alac.

"Ugh, your such a Payne, and yes Liam pun intended," I said back to the poor clueless boy who had his head cocked like Macy.

"Alright class I'm coming around, so please have a name picked out when I come to your desks," Mrs. Jenkins said standing up from her desk.

"Oh crap Liam, what do you wanna name it?" I said beginning to worry now.

"I don't care it's just a name."

"Okay Collins and Liam what are you naming your little boy?" Mrs. Jenkins sweetly asked.

I improvised and noticed a kid in our classroom had on a Jay-Z shirt so that's what I wen't with. "Uh, his name is Jay-Z," I said nervously.

"Okay, odd but whatever," Mrs. Jenkins said moving on to Harry and Danielle.

I then turned my head to look at Liam, and he was already looking at me like I was crazy. 

"What made you come up with that name?" Liam asked looking at me like I had lost my mind.

"Shut it Liam, just shut it, I had to improvise," I defended.

"Whatever, so who is taking care of "Jay-Z" first?" Liam asked using air quotations around his name. "Tell you what since apparently you don't trust me how about you come over this afternoon and we can work out a schedule."

"Fine, that'll be good because it gives me an opportunity to see Harry again," I said back happily.

"See you around 4:00?" Liam asked.

"Sure Liam," I smiled weakly and then the bell rang for 2nd period.

Hey Guys! Okay another pretty short Chapter but Chapter 30 will be longer! (: Also, Please tell me how your liking the book in the Comments or even tell me if you wan't me to change something! 




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