The Survivor

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Ryder kept his foot on the gas, they couldn't find anyone else. Haven was confused, if they found one, there must be more.

Haven: Guys, there has to more of us out there, look how far we've gotten.

Groot: Are you sure? We haven't found anyone else yet!

Trixie: Well, I did see one of my friends leave me on purpose. I saw her run away the oppisite direction. She might be out here somewhere.

Haven: Let's find her.

They drove around wrecked city, they didn't find anyone yet. Until, they saw someone getting attacked by the monsters.

Trixie: I think that's her!

Ryder: It looks she's getting attacked by those monsters, let's help her out.

They all sprinted into the building, and shot at the monsters. Trixie went up to her friend. Trixe's friend was a half-siames bengal cat.

Trixie: Kitty! I found you!

Kitty: Trixie?

Trixie hugged the siames-bengal cat, but she didn't hug her back.

Haven: Hi there! You looked like you needed help. We're looking for survivors, would you like to join our team?

The siames-bengal cat frowned at the female canine, she smiled at Haven.

Kitty: Okay.

Diesel: Great! We have more survivors!

Kitty: I'm assuming you guys are trying to find a cure for the sickness, that has been going around?

Haven: Wait, there's actually a cure?!

Kitty: Of course! Didn't you hear from anyone?

Ryder: Actually, we haven't, because we haven't seen another face in a while.

Kitty: I see. I can help you find more people. Are you interested?

Haven, Groot, Ryder, and Trixie: Yes!

Kitty: Perfect, We can then reunite with them!

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