The Infected

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They all got into Oliver's Jeep and they drove around. They were all upset and angry of what Kitty had done to them.

Ryder: I can't believe Kitty did that to us.

Trixie: I know, but, we gotta stay strong. The world is going to end soon.

Groot: What do you mean by that?

Haven: She means, the whole world is going to get infected.

Oliver: She's gotta point. Maybe some day the world will end.

Then, they ran into another swarm of the infected.

Diesel: Are you kidding me?!

They all got out of the vehicle, and fought them. Haven shot one, and Oliver shot them with his crossbow. When Trixe punched one, it bit her wrist.

Trixie: Ow!

Everyone looked at Trixie

Haven: You alright, Trixie?

Trixie: I'm fine!

Haven shot the monster that bit Trixie. They got back into the vehicle. When Oliver tried to start it, it didn't work.

Oliver: Looks like we're out of gas.

Ryder: Great.

Haven: I guess we're just gonna have to walk.

They stepped out of the vehicle, and Trixie put her paw on her wounded wrist. Oliver walked over to her and looked at her wound.

Oliver: That's a bad bite. Where did you get it from?

Trixie: The monster bit me when I tried to fight it.

Haven: Wait she's...

Trixie: Infected. I know.

Haven went into the vehicle and grabed a bandage.

Haven: Put this on.

Trixie rapped it around her wrist. They all walked miles, until they managed to find their camp. When it got dark, they all went sleep, Trixie was squeezing her wounded wrist. She started grunting and shacking, she was suffering. In the morning, they were up early. Trixie was suffering, she was sitting down, curled up. She put her paw on her head.

Trixie: head is hurting, and my eyesight is black. I don't think I am going to make it...

Trixie fainted, she was laying on the ground, her wound was visible through the bandage. They all ran to her. Oliver put his paw on Trixie's chest.

Oliver: Her heart isn't beating!

Trixie started shaking again. Her tail curled between her legs. Her eyes were glued shut. They all had tears in their eyes. Then, Trixie's eyes flashed open, her eyes were glowing yellow, her pupils weren't there, just her scalera. She slowly got up, and reached out her claw to hurt them. Haven cupped her paw over her mouth.

Groot: What do we do?

Ryder aimed a gun at Trixie with tears in his eyes. Before he could pull the trigger, Haven smacked it out of his paw. She had tears in her eyes as well.

Haven: What do you think you're doing?!

Ryder looked down, tears streamed down his face.

Ryder: I don't know...

Oliver shot Trixie with a tranquilizer dart. He looked at them.

Oliver: Don't worry, guys. It will only make her sleep for a while.

They all walked away from the camp. They all looked back at the passed out feline. They all walked in a row.

Diesel: Can this day get any worse?

Haven: It will.

Oliver: Guys, just like she said, we have to stay strong.

Haven: You're right. But think about it, what if we all get infected? Then what?

Ryder: That's probably when the world would end.

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