The Traitor

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In the morning, They got back into their uniforms, and got into their vehicle. Kitty led them far away from the camp. She had her plan, but she couldn't tell them. She was leading them some where they didn't know...

Kitty: We're almost there.

Haven: I can hardly wait!

Kitty then stopped at a building. There were a bunch of dog and cat guards with different uniforms there. Kitty nodded, and the guards ran to them and grabbed all of them, except Kitty.

Haven: Hey! Let go of us!

Trixie: Kitty, help!

Kitty: Help you? Nah. How about take you away?

Diesel: What?!

Haven: What? We trusted you!

Kitty: Big mistake, puppy. Take them away, boys.

Kitty ordered her crew to take all of them away. She was a traitor, she turned out to be a boss. The bad guy, the villan. She locked them in one of the rooms in the building. They all looked down at the ground. Ryder frowned.

Ryder: I can't believe this! We trusted her!

Haven: It doesn't matter now, we need to get out of here.

Trixie: I don't think we can, there's guards outside.

Groot: Guys, look, a vent!

Diesel: Uh, will we fit in that?

Ryder: If he can, we can.

Groot: Cmon guys, let's go!

Groot jumped into the vent, and they all followed. It was dark and damp. There was an opening to where they could hear Kitty talking with some scientists.

Scientist 1: Look, boss we can find a cure a save your parents-

The border collie scientist got interrupted by furious Kitty. Kitty yelled in the border collie's face.


The whole room got silent, and all of the other scientists looked at Kitty and the bordie collie. Kitty cleared her throat.

Kitty: Uh, nothing to see here. Keep working.

All the scientists went back to working. Kitty looked at the border collie.

Kitty: We'll find the cure if there is one. You are dismissed.

The border collie nodded, and speed walked out of the room, and shut the door behind her. Haven and them saw what happened.

Haven: *whispering* So, she's trying to find a cure too?

Trixie: She mentioned she wanted it to save her parents.

Groot: Should we help her...?

Ryder: I think it would be best if we didn't. She's a traitor, and she's treated us terribly.

Haven: Ryder's right. We shouldn't trust her. But we can still help her, but we can't let her know we are.

Diesel: Good plan.

They found to where the vents end. The jumped out of it, and got outside. A swarm of the infected circled around them all.

Ryder: Great! What are we gonna do know?

Haven: Stay calm, I-

Haven got interrupted when a vehicle drove up to the infected. An male orange tabby cat with the same uniform as all of them, got out of the vehicle, and shot the monsters.

Orange Tabby cat: Hello there, you guys looked like you could use some help.

Haven: Thank you so much! Who are you?

Oliver: I'm Oliver. I believe I was on a team, until the infected raided our base.

Haven: Oliver, would you like to join our team?

Oliver: Of course! Do you guys need a vehicle? 'Cause I have one!

Ryder: You know what? There's been something up with our Jeep. So yeah we do, hehe.

Oliver: No problem, bro. I could drive if you'd like me to.

Haven: Yes please, thank you, Oliver.

Oliver: No problem. I'm glad I can help more survivors.

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