Chapter Two

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Mace Windu had gotten the Commander of the Regular's message and had sent a Jedi to rescue Padme. The Jedi's name was Obi Wan Kenobi, and the reason Mace Windu sent him was because he was one of the few remaining Jedi that could use the Force.
Queen Padme was a kind and gentle woman. You could also argue that she was not a woman. For she was only a girl of eighteen, barely old enough to rule as queen under the Constitution of Naboo. Although she was a monarch, she was not all powerful. She had to respect the laws made by the Senate in the Republic. She also had to respect the traditions of Naboo, the laws passed by kings and queens before her.
Obi Wan found Padme outside a junk shop owned by a winged reptilian creature called Watto. They did not know, but there were two Mandalorian assassins in the shop, looking for the queen to try to kill her escort and take her as a hostage. In order to not draw attention to herself, she left her staff at the escape pods with provisions.
"The ship was shot down," said Obi Wan. "I am here to take you back."
"How are matters in the Republic," asked the Queen.
"Not well, I fear," responded the Jedi. "Something is not right. I sense it, but I cannot sense what exactly it is." He then looked around to make sure nobody was looking for the next thing he was to say. He whispered, "I fear that when this is over the Republic will cease to be."
"And what will you do?"
"Whatever the Jedi do."
"Hands up," said one of the assassin, finally finding his target and exiting the shop with his partner.
He pointed a gun at Obi Wan. The other one grabbed Padme. Obi Wan ignited his lightsaber and killed the assassin threatening him. The other one shot him in the hand. The Jedi's weapon was just beyond reach of its user. He started to use the Force, but he was wounded too much. However, a boy just younger than Padme came out of the junk shop. Instead of leaping to Obi Wan's hand, it leaped to the boy's hand and he killed the other Mandalorian.
"Thank you," said Obi Wan.
"You're welcome," said the boy. "Who are you?"
"Obi Wan Kenobi," said Obi Wan. He made no mention that he was a Jedi. That was to remain a secret, for now at least.
"I'm Anikan Skywalker."
"Anikan!" yelled a voice inside. It belonged to Watto.
"Sorry, gotta go," said Anikan. "That's my owner."
"You are a slave?" asked Obi Wan.
"I'm a person."
Anikan ran in.
"That will cause us problems," said Obi Wan.
"What will?" asked the Queen.
"That kid being a slave. He's powerful with the Force. Maybe even the Chosen One. I wanted to train him as a Jedi."
After Anikan's chores were finished, he led his new found friends to his slave quarters. He lived with his mother, Shmi. Anikan's father had died, but Shmi remarried to a man named Clieg. Clieg had a son named Owen from another marriage. Those four people lived with Owen's girlfriend, Beru. Anikan thought Padme was the prettiest girl he had ever seen.
"You are beautiful," said Anikan. Padme did not answer because she tried to be modest. "You are," he insisted.
"It is sad," said the young Queen, "that slavery still exists outside the Republic. Why do you just stop working for that thing and come with us?"
"I wish I could. Me and my whole family. But we cannot."
"Why not?"
"They have this chip inside us that tracks where ever we go. That way, our owner always sees where we are. Also, of we go past a certain point, one our master sets, than it-"
"Than it what?"
"Boom! It explodes."
There the conversation stopped. Padme knew nothing of slavery, and when she heard this fact she stopped speaking, but she remained with the little slave boy. Anikan wished he could escape, and was working on a device that could locate the chip so that he could remove it and go free. But it was crude. It would not work. Anikan would never be free.

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