Chapter Five

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Mace Windu's palace was deep in a forest in Couruscant, the capital of the Republic. This forest was the last part of the capital that was not city. Ever since the Sith Wars, the Jedi had hid their leader's palace in that forest. Nobody save the Jedi Knights knew where it was.
Obi Wan had led Anikan to Mace Windu's palace blindfolded, where it would be determined if Anikan was to become a Jedi. Before they tested Anikan, Obi Wan told him about the Sith Lord that he fought. This conversation was described in the previous chapter. The reason Mace Windu was so alarmed was because the Sith were presumed dead for a thousand years.
Mace Windu also summoned a Jedi named Qui Gon Jinn because he was one of the only Jedi that could use the Force. Obi Wan was friends with Qui Gon, but he did not think he should be present because he was sometimes his devotion to the Republic was stronger to his devotion to the Jedi.
Another Jedi that Mace Windu summoned was Melmusa, who was Obi Wan's best friend. He had found Obi Wan in the outer rim and had taken him to Yoda to be trained. Yoda was a Jedi that lived on the planet Dagobah. He was the wisest Jedi that ever lived. Every Jedi in the last eight hundred years had been trained by him without exception, for he was almost nine hundred years old.
When Obi Wan had told the other three Jedi about Anikan, Mace Windu was skeptical. He did not believe that anyone could use the Force, even without knowing, without Jedi training. Obi Wan brought Anikan before Mace Windu and Mace Windu tested him while the other Jedi watched. When Anikan was dismissed, Qui Gon was exited.
"He is the Chosen One," said Qui Gon, "He must be."
"Let me ask you," said Mace Windu, "is Anikan the Chosen one or is it Maria?"
Maria was a girl that lived during the Second Clone War. In desperation, Chancellor Vallorum had given her an army. Although the Second Clone War was already lost, she won a battle that saved the Republic from utter annihilation. Qui Gon had thought her the Chosen One. However, the Triumvarite had credited the victory to the Stormtroopers. They had convicted her of using the Dark Side of the Force and executed her. They convinced Mace Windu and the rest of the Jedi that she was a heretic.
"I did not know about her heretic cult at the time," said Qui Gon.
"Anikan must be trained," said Melmusa. "If he is not, then he will be used by another group that uses the Force."
"He will be trained," said Mace Windu. "We will fly him to Dagobah."
"To Dagobah?" asked Obi Wan angrily. "I found him, let me train him. I can do it just as good as Master Yoda."
After much arguing, Mace Windu had reluctantly agreed to let Obi Wan train Anikan. Then, he turned to darker matters.
"My friends and fellow Jedi," he said," I have summoned you to my throne room today not just because of the boy. I can sense something evil brewing in the Republic. One Triumvarite had already been killed by Black Magic, I believe. We must not speak of Anikan to the remaining members just yet. Nor must we speak to anyone else. Do you realize that, besides Master Yoda, we are the only people left in the Galaxy that can use the Force. We must protect ourselves and the boy or the Jedi will be destroyed for sure."
Meanwhile, the Senate and the Triumvarite were arguing.
"We must retake Naboo," said Palpatine. "I agree with Queen Padme. If we do not fight, than we shall be crushed!"
The Senate then agreed to attack Naboo and trusted the matters into the hands of the military thinkers of the Republic. They decided that the Republic Navy should engage the Mandalorian Navy while the Jedi led a groud assault. Also, Obi Wan and Melmusa would lead another force that would attack the enemy from behind.

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