Chapter Six

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The Triumvarite and Mace Windu both agreed to to the plan. Anikan was to have a ship in the Republic Navy. Three large ships, two with Regulars and Jedi and one with Stormtroopers, landed to start the ground assault. Meanwhile, Mandalorian ships attacked the Republic ships. Anikan was a good pilot and took out an enemy ship. However, the enemy was winning the naval battle.
The ground assault, which the other living member of the Triumavrite, Doran, was participating in, was also not going well. Many Jedi were killed. However, the Stormtroopers were good fighters and killed many Mandalorians. Many of the Republic Army men were also killed. Both sides were aggressive and the tide of the battle did not favor either side. Doran was killed.
At the time that the force led by Obi Wan and Melmusa were supposed to arrive, there was nobody there. Boba Fett had sent scouts out, and they had found the incoming army. They had sent a man of war to shoot down the Republic ship before it could land and engage in the fighting.
"Where is Obi Wan?" shouted Qui Gon, who was fighting in the initial ground assault, to another Jedi. "He should be here by now."
"He will come," said the other Jedi.
Qui Gon did not see him coming, so he got on his spaceship and flew away. Anikan saw Qui Gon go past and followed him with ten other fighters. When they arrived at the spot where Obi Wan would descend onto Naboo, they found a Mandalorian man of war. When they arrived, the fought the man of war and blew it up.
They then returned to Naboo and the space battle, without three that were killed in the fight. Upon Anikan's return, the tide of the space battle changed. The Republic beat the Mandalorians in the space battle and then went to the surface to shoot Mandalorian infantrymen that were fighting against the ground assault.
The navy joining the land assault and Obi Wan and Melmusa's arrival pushed the tide in favor of the Republic. The Stormtroopers split the Mandalorian forces in two and the Republic forces exploited the gap. The battle was soon over and Naboo was retaken. The Mandalorians retreated.
Obi Wan and Melmusa embraced. Anikan met Obi Wan and they embraced.
"You were amazing," said Obi Wan to the soon to be Jedi.
Then Padme's ship landed. She smiled and kissed Anikan. She told them that the Triumvarite had commanded that Anikan escort her to her palace. Obi Wan and Melmusa also accompanied her. They thought they were safe. They were not.
When Darth Sidious saw that the battle was over, he called Darth Maul.
"The boy will take the queen to her palace," said the Sith Lord, "Bring me the boy. Do what you wish with the queen."
Darth Maul snuck into the palace and found the boy and the queen just as he expected. What he did not expect was the two Jedi. They both drew their lightsabers. Darth Maul connected his two lightsabers to make a double bladed lightsaber.
Anikan and Padme ran away while the combatants fought. Darth Maul was very skilled with his lightsaber. It was very hard for him to parry the blows of two Jedi even with two blades. Also, the blade he was not using to deflect the blows of his enemies could hit him, but he was too skilled for that to happen.
The duel was not going anywhere. Suddenly, Obi Wan took the offensive. He kept the Sith on his toes. But Darth Maul won the battle by kicking the Jedi Knight and sending him sprawling. Then, he attacked Melmusa and easily slew him. Obi Wan screamed.
The combatants ran toward each other. Obi Wan cut off Darth Maul's hand. The Sith Lord knew he would be killed if he stayed any longer, so he got on his ship and flew away. Obi Wan ran to Melmusa's body.
"Are you alive?"
There was no response. Melmusa was dead.

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