Chapter Eight: The Drink

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Shen Wei glanced down at the glass of apple juice in his hand.  The ice had long since melted, but he had yet to take a sip.

The truth was, he was decidedly uncomfortable.  This was the first time in weeks that he had ventured out in the evening outside of the guise of Black Robe, but he had promised Chu Shuzhi that they would catch up properly over a drink.

He glanced out of the window.

"Why did you choose somewhere close to police headquarters?" he asked his friend.

"One of my colleagues wanted to join us," Chu Shuzhi explained, "but he's on the rota to cover the police call-outs tonight.  Meeting here means he can keep an eye on what's going on over there."

Shen Wei raised an eyebrow.

"I didn't know anyone else was coming along."

"Sorry.  I should have told you.  But he's been really keen to meet you, and it's about time you started getting to know some more people.  I can't be your only friend, Wei.  What if I get sent off to one of our international bureau desks?  You'd practically become a hermit."

Shen Wei sighed.  His companion was right, of course, and it wasn't that he was antisocial.  It was just that fewer people in his life meant there was less likelihood of his usual night-time activities being discovered.  It was already risky having one journalist as a friend.  Two could be a problem.

"Okay," he eventually responded, "but I'm not staying long.  And I'm not drinking.  You know I can't handle alcohol."

"I'm well aware of that.  I'm the one who had to practically carry you home after one glass of red wine the last time."

Shen Wei did not respond.  Instead, his attention turned back to the large grey building across the street.  He had not seen Zhao Yunlan for almost a week, although there was no reason to.  Obviously, they did not have a case that needed his expertise.  He supposed he should be pleased at the lack of violent crime in recent days, but instead he was feeling strangely uneasy.

The police were holding a large number of Tiger and Snakehead gang members in a facility just outside of the city after the arrests seven days ago.  If their compatriots did not try to break them out, they would almost certainly retaliate, or do both.  It was only a matter of time.


"Our informants have all gone quiet," Zhu Hong stated.  "And Lin Jing has been liaising with the security team at the holding facility, but there's no suspicious behaviour on the CCTV, and nothing that sounds like a call to arms in any of the phone calls we've monitored."

"That doesn't mean they aren't planning something," Zhao Yunlan responded.  "Who knows what codes they use to communicate now.  Our intel on that front dried up ages ago."  He leaned back in his chair and put his feet up.  "Either way, I'm sure Sheng and his team have it under control.  He will ask us for assistance if he needs it.  Now, what about the other thing?"

Zhu Hong settled herself on the edge of the desk.

"We looked at it from a different angle, like you asked.  The first officer on the scene who untied the wife said that the bonds were not that tight, and the paramedic who examined her recalled that there were no marks on her wrists.  If she really had been tied up all night, like she said, her skin would have been raw."

"Okay. It looks as though our new consultant was right, and we've been coming at this the wrong way.  Start talking to people who knew the couple.  She must have had a motive for doing away with him after five years of marriage."

"Speaking of the new consultant," Zhu Hong began, her tone innocent.  "Have you spoken to him recently?"

"No."  Zhao Yunlan frowned.  "I should probably give him a call though.  Just to update him on the case, of course."

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