Chapter Thirteen: The Dinner Date

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Shen Wei looked around.  When Zhao Yunlan had said he would take him somewhere comfortable, he had not expected it to be the detective's own apartment.  He started to remove his jacket but winced when he felt a sudden sting.  Looking down, he noticed the paper cut he had suffered earlier.  The slice was an angry shade of red.  He should really have cleaned and covered it back at his office, but the police chief had arrived, and it had completely slipped his mind.

As Zhao Yunlan came into the living room from the kitchen, he saw his guest peering intently at a finger on his right hand.

"What happened?" he asked, moving quickly across the room.

"Nothing.  Just a paper cut from earlier today.  I wasn't paying attention."

"Let me see."

"Really, it's nothing."

Ignoring the other man's protests, Yunlan took the pale, slender hand in his own and turned it over.

"This looks nasty.  Did you disinfect it?"

"No.  I was going to, but then..." he tailed off, not wanting to suggest that it was the detective's fault he had failed to treat his injury.

"Sit down.  I'll get the first aid kit."

Like a good guest, Shen Wei did as he was told, and sat quietly on the couch until Zhao Yunlan returned.  Opening a clear plastic box, he busied himself with applying antiseptic to a cotton swab.

"You know, you really should take better care of yourself," he said, as he bent over the professor's hand and began to gently wipe at the sliced skin."

"You're the one who was lying in a hospital bed not too long ago," came the reply.

"Fair enough.  What food do you like?"

"Whatever you make will be fine, I'm sure."

Yunlan smiled widely up at the man sitting in front of him.

"I can't cook.  I was going to order in."

Shen Wei resisted the urge to roll his eyes.  In truth, he should not have been surprised, knowing what he did about the slightly dishevelled police chief.

Yunlan positioned a band-aid over the cut and pressed down.

"All done," he said.

At this point, Shen Wei expected to have his hand back, but it was not to be the case.  Instead, the detective ran his thumb lightly over the palm and back up towards his fingers.

"No ink stains," he murmured.


"I didn't see a computer in your office, so I'm guessing you're more of a pen and paper kind of guy, but I can't find any ink stains on your fingers."

"Good handwash," Shen Wei offered.

It turned out to be the wrong thing to say.  Zhao Yunlan immediately raised the professor's hand to his nose and inhaled deeply.

"Sandalwood, right?  I like it.  I like it a lot."

Shen Wei was far too flustered to reply.  Instead, he could only sit silently and try to keep his features as emotionless as possible as the detective lifted his head and looked him straight in the eye.

"You know, I'm usually pretty good at reading people," he began, "but with you, I have no idea what you're thinking.  And would you even tell me if I asked?"

The professor steadied himself and met the other man's gaze.

"I don't know why you would be interested in what I'm thinking."  He smiled.  "There's nothing vaguely fascinating about me at all, I assure you."

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