Chapter 6

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The week was coming to an end some days were fast at the vet and some days like today was really slow, but not quite at all the place was a buzz with the new arrival of a new tech.  I didn't think we were busy enough for another tech  but apparently we needed another guy added to our staff. Sadly I had no say in the matter cause I was second in command. The women in the office was drooling over him. He was tall handsome and fuckinf annoying. He gave off the air that everyone wants me and I can have whomever I want. (Gag)  I stayed in my office making plans to go and visit the Lake. Just as I was about to pay for my ticket Jess burst into my office.  "OMG MAGGGSSSSSS, YOU GOTTA MEET THE NEW TECH!!!! HES SO HANSOME, SINGLE AND A MAN OF GOD!!!" "Frist off why are you yelling, and second off NOT INTERESTED!" I huffed. But Jess would not be swayed. "He's perfect for you Mags!! He will show you the way to the light of God, you need him in your life. You're to sweet to be in this futile attempt to lose your way." 'What the actual fuck?' I thought really trying to keep my anger in check. I'm a doctor after all and I got to remain professional....but this was going  a bit to far and I was at my wits end. "Jessica, FUCK THE HELL OFF, FUCK YOU TRYING TO SET ME UP WITH SOMEONE YOU THINK I NEED, YOU DONT KNOW WHAT I NEED, AND WHEN I SAY I AM NOT FUCKING INTERESTED I FUCKING MEAN THAT!! TAKE YOUR GOD SHIT AND SHOVE IT IP YOUR ASS!!"  I failed at staying professional.  Jess just looked at me, I've never called her Jessica and I think I stuck a nerve. She left my office and went to chat up the hunky tech as they called him. I had a bad feeling she was going to send him into my office.  I so need to get out of here before she does. I grabbed my stuff and got ready to head home. "Well you must be Mags?" 'SHHHIIITTT!!'  "It's Maggie, don't call me mags!" I snipped. "Oh forgive me, your colleague kept calling you Mags as she spoke about you. Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Rick it's a pleasure to meet you. It must be God's will that we cross paths." He smiled, it was fucking creepy. "Yeah, God had nothing to do with this, Jess put you up to it and on that note I shall take my leave."  He laughed, we shall meet again Maggie." I so didn't like his tone.
Later that night while I slept I found myself at that mysterious lake. I sat on the dock waiting (waiting for who? Are you that excited to see the vampire?) "No? Yes? I'm not sure. He peeks my interests. (Oh ho? Does he now?) The voice said to me. "Look there is nothing but curiosity nothing more!" (Your blushing face says other wise) it was laughing.  "Don't be coy vampire I know you're there in the fog! You invade my dream, sounds like to me you have an interest in me!  He stepped out and stood on the water. "I must admit, you do peek my interest.  Such a bold woman. Never thought I see it again...." He trailed off lost in thought. I looked at him but I felt like I couldn't question him about it atlest not yet.  "Never the less what brings you to my dreams?" "He looked away "Well I wanted to see you again, you're quite incredible a d interesting and not to scare you I felt that you had a stressful day." I looked at him, I was a bit unnerved by his statement but was distracted by his first comment.  " find me incredible and interesting?" I turned away trying to hid the heat of my face. He laughed  "have I flustered you?" "No!!!!" I denied.  He chuckled some more.  "So Mr. Vampire,  I ask again what brings you here besides trying to whoo me with pretty words?" I stood my ground.  "You are truly interesting.  Come you won't wake up for a while let me show you my castle, there I will answer any questions you have."

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