chapter 13

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After that embarrassing display in Erika's shop Silas and Maggie made there way back to her vet office. Silas doing everything in his power not to laugh at Maggie's racing thoughts so he grabbed her hand. "My darling sweet Maggie I promise there be more of that after dinner." He said seductively. She blushed and could have sworn he purred the words out to her. "Well if it is as intense as that kiss I cannot wait!" She teased. They laughed together. As they made their way back Maggie noticed the staff watching from the windows. " Looks like your staff is a little nosy." Silas said. "Yeah, they seem to be invested in my life since your the frist guy I ever showed an interest in" She winked at him. He blushed a bit "Well it's an honor to be your one and only." He took her hand and gave it a kiss. "I'll be here to pick you up after work love." He said as he took his leave. Maggie turned to the door to fund her staff waiting for the juicy news like a bunch of puppies waiting for mom to give them dinner. Maggie giggled to herself. 'Well let's get this over with' She stepped into the door and was bombarded with questions.
6 hours of questioning it was time to head home. Maggie was super excited to see Slias.' I wonder what he cooked?' "Well Well if it isn't Maggie." A voice said. 'Oh great it's the asshole Rick.' She thought as she rolled her eyes. "What do you need Rick?" "Oh nothing much, just wanted to ask you out on a date." "Not interested, besides I already have a date tonight with a very handsome man thank you very much." "Ha Jess told me you are single." "Well I don't let people into my private life, so she wouldn't know." I keep my private life to myself. " She huffed. "Well MAGGS, I highly doubt you'll find a man better than me. I'm fit, wealthy and a preacher. You wouldn't have to work anymore,  you can be my preacher will be respected in the church. Everyone would look up to you casue you would be my wife." "Real?? You think I be swayed by wealthy and a position? Next you'd tell me as long as I stay silent and only speak when spoken to? You want me to be like the women in your so called religious book? No Thanks." She turned and began to walk way. Rick grabbed her arm. "Let me go, no means no find you another sheep.  This sheep is no longer park of the heard." Rick frowned at her words. "You soo need to be broken, a woman like you...." Rick was cut off as a fist connected with his face.  "I believe Maggie told you in so many words to fuck off." Silas growled.  Rick coughed "Who the fuck are you???" "Now that's not words a preacher should use, and my name is Silas and I'm Maggie's boyfriend. Don't touch my woman ever again or you shall never see the light of day!!!"  Rick's eyes widened at Silas's name. He got up thought about firing back, but just then Jess showed up. "Omg Rick are you ok??? " She looked up at Silas and made the sign of the cross. "Mother of God!! Maggie step away from him he's a demon!!" Maggie too one look at Silas's eyes and gasped. They were red and kinda glowing, but for some reason they didn't scare her at all. "Come on Sials let's go he's not worth the trouble. " He looked at her nodded and they both walked away into the night.

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