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Another month and a half had passed since the assembly. It had now been nearly seven months since Prince Udam's wedding and Prem and Noor's last night together. A night that had resulted in a pregnancy which Noor had kept hidden from the eyes of everyone outside her home. Now, heading into her seventh month, her two shawls were no longer able to keep her secret. Keeping under the radar, Noor wanted to keep things undercover for as long as possible. A plan that was working just fine until one day, while on a public tour with a wife of another chief, a gust of wind revealed her stomach. "Chief, you're pregnant?" That woman, careless of her surroundings, had asked Noor. Noor hadn't answered but she didn't need to, everyone around her could tell the answer was positive.

By that evening, the news of her pregnancy had spread like wildfire within the kingdom. Noor wondered how Prem must have found out and what his reaction must have been. She wondered what his family must be feeling like? Her parents had been informed by family physician within the first month of her pregnancy and their reaction was exactly what Noor had predicted. A burst of initial anger from her father and aunt for being negligent and risking her position and career for the enemy followed by the overwhelming emotions that consume one they realize their child is to have a child. Her mother had been the most sympathetic towards her, making attempts to comfort her at every opportunity she gets. No one really knew how to feel and it was apparent because the joy that must ring through the walls of any palace when the news of an heir is announced was nowhere to be found. Instead, her family was surrounded by the fear of the reaction of the people of Basher when they inevitably find out. That day had come.

Thoughts spelling out every disastrous possibility continued circling her mind all evening. She had never felt so alone in her life. Throughout her life, she had always had someone or the other to guide her, to solve her political issues, and support her through all her decisions. This time, however, Noor felt completely isolated. There wasn't a soul in the entire Kingdom who could relate to her, offer her advice, or ease her exceedingly anxious mind about the fate of her unborn child. She was inarguably the most powerful woman in the Doab and her child would have the blood of the two most influential families the land had ever seen and yet there was a possibility neither would be accept the heir as their own. Burdened by tremendous stress, Noor was exhausted by the time night fell. Her mental strain had become physical and suddenly she realized that her entire body ached and that she couldn't wait to get in bed. She stood watching on patiently as Rajjo and a couple other maids carefully prepared her bed for the night.

Just then, a sound at her large window pulled her attention. Her eyes rushed to the window and found none other than Prem himself entering her room. Suddenly, the glass in Noor's hand escaped her grip. The liquid from her glass spilled next to her feet but she stood absolutely frozen and dumbfounded as he began on his way over to her.

By the time he reached her, Noor's eyes were filled to the brim. Understanding exactly what her state was, Prem did nothing but take her into his arms. Noor felt as if someone had renewed her life and breath when he circled one arm around her waist and placed the other behind her head. Her tears began streaming down her cheeks and she let her face hit his shoulder. And as soon as it did, the breakdown that followed was something Noor herself couldn't have anticipated. Lacking the energy to even reciprocate his hug by circling her own arms around his back, Noor simply stood with both arms hanging limp by the sides of her body as she sobbed away in his hold.

She had missed him. She had missed his touch, his hold, his warmth, and finally his presence. It felt like they hadn't touched for ages. She hadn't realized how badly her body was craving contact and how desperately she needed to be held. When her sobbing seemed to have no end in sight, Prem further tightened his hold around her and kissed her temple to calm her. Noor continued crying. She wanted to call out his name and to spell out all of her worries to him. That was exactly what she had sworn to not do so she further cried. And she cried until she had let it all out, until her eyes ran out of tears, until her breathing returned to normal and her heart began beating at the same steady rhythm as his. She cried until she felt calm and secure again, until she was able to relax and melt into the comfort and warmth of the arms of the man her very soul craved for. The man she had not spoken to for seven months now and the man who had been furious with her for the same reason. However, in that moment, he held her like he was shielding her from the entire world. Without once opening his mouth, he communicated one thing loud and clear, and it was that he would always be by her side. His hold reminded Noor that she never was and never will be alone. Prem will always be there for her and no matter what takes place between them, no matter how angry or upset he is with her, he will still fight the entire world in an instant for her.

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