chapter one

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Michael's POV 

"Dang, uncle, you're good."

After an hour of sword-fighting, I left with maybe 3 or 4 cuts; Techno left with...some blood, let's just say. 

"Years of practice, little one." My uncle, Technoblade, smiled at me. 

"Hey, where's papa?" I asked.

"Not sure," Techno responded. "But he needs to hurry up."

My papa, known as Ranboo to everyone else, seemed to hear our conversation because conveniently he showed up right then. 

"Hello, child." He had a welcoming smile. 

"PAPA!!" I ran up and hugged him, and he hugged me back. 

"He got a few scrapes, but nothing bad" Techno informed Papa.

"Ok, that's not bad, how are you though, Techno?" Papa asked.

"Uh," He showed Papa his bloody arm,  cut on the inside. "Your son did that-"

Ranboo stared at him in shock.

"We were sword-fighting," Techno continued.  "The kid's getting stronger and stronger. He'll be just like you and Tubbo one day" Techno laughed a bit.

"Oh wow! you're better than I thought!" Papa told me. 

I tied up my hair. "I'm not that good, Uncle's just weak."

There was a knock on the door. I said I would get it, so I did.

"Hi Tom, what's up?" I asked. 

"Uh, can I speak to Ranboo?" He asked.

"Yeah, PAPA TOM WANTS TO TALK TO YOU!" I yelled upstairs. 

"COMING!" Papa responded. 

I moved out of the doorway so Papa could talk to Tommy. 

"Hey, Tommy" Papa started the conversation. 

"E-ehm.. do you mind if Shroud and Michael have a playdate?... I have to run some... errands real fast." Tommy requested. 

"Oh yeah, I don't mind!" Papa accepted politely.

I, personally did not want to have a playdate with someone I have never even heard of. 

Tommy sighed in relief though. He sort of pushed this anthropomorphic spider in front of him.

 I whipped out my sword. 

"WHO ARE YOU?" I questioned the spider.

"UNCLE, IT'S A SPIDER! KILL IT!" Papa also seemed to be afraid. 

"I'm not going to kill you." 

Shroud had a sweet voice, I still didn't trust him though. 

"It's harmless in the daytime" Techno claimed.

I put down my sword. I asked the spider who he was.

"I'm Shroud, who are you?" He asked. 

"I'm Michael Schlatt-Ender at your service" I bowed.

"Jesus, you're too polite." Techno chimed in. 

"I know." I rebutted. 

"So, ehm, why are you here?" I asked Michael.

"Did you not just hear Tommy say he had to go do something?" 

Jesus, I hope this kid isn't bossy. 

"No, I didn't" I responded. 

The Adventurous Adventures of Michael and ShroudWhere stories live. Discover now