chapter five

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"What do you want?" I asked Dream

"You're strong, emotionless. I like that about you." Dream answered

"I'm not emotionless I just hold it all in." I told Dream

"We could work on that." Dream said bluntly

"What're you suggesting?" I questioned

"I'm suggesting you join me." He suggested

"That would be depressing-" I said

"C'mon it'll be fun!" Dream tried to convince me

"I'm not interested." I told him, and I wasn't

"I need you, you need me" Dream grabbed my shoulders so we were directly facing each other.

"I don't need you that's the thing! I'm fine on my own!" I pushed Dream away

"Are you though?" I'm pretty sure Dream was trying to brainwash me

"Yes I am!" I told him, "I've got a life ahead of me. I've got my dads and everyone else sees me. I'm a warrior and a musician, I don't need you to tell me how to live it!"

"Take my offer." Dream said

"I don't need it." I said stubbornly

"Just know you can always take it." He winked

"What if I don't?" I questioned, "What if I just leave."

"Michael, i didn't want to do this..." Dream said it like he was warning me, which I didn't like

"Do what?!" I accidentally yelled.

"Michael, I've got strings attached to your dads. I need you to fix this world, fix what I started almost 2 years ago. Before any other problems arise. wars are at stake, it's all over the place."

"Michael, please." Dream begged

"...Okay, fine." I caved in, "But what's in it for me?"

I'll help you with your goal if you help me"

I had a bunch of goals. To be a good warrior and artist, to impress my Dads- And to impress Shroud. I've never really had friends before (Cliché, I know.) and I'm scared to lose him.

"Fine," I said, "I'm in."


"Here," Dream put a weird looking bracelet on my wrist, "Keep this on for you to communicate with me."

I nodded

"I should get going before they start to worry." I told Dream

He gave me a book, "Take this," He said, "I wish you the best of luck."

"Okay," I thanked him

Eventually I made my way out of the prison and got to my house.

I opened the door without knocking because, well, it was my house, so I could.

Dad (Tubbo) ran to the door, as did everyone in the house. "I'M GONNA NUKE THAT PRISON NEXT TIME DREAM LAYS HIS HANDS ON YOU"

"ARE YOU OKAY?" Tommy asked, I didn't really expect Tommy to be here, but I guess it wasn't a surprise since he and Dad were friends.

"MICHEAL ARE YOU OK?!" Shroud pushed through the three people in front of him like it was a crowd of three million people.

"I'm fine." I told him

We hugged each other and I remembered the bracelet Dream gave me. If anyone in my family finds out, I'm dead.


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