Part IV

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Patrick's POV

"What are you thinking Patrick? You cloud kill her." Joe's voice louder.

"I know i am sorry, we're just.. I'm just having a good time with her. She said she likes rain so i take her into a rain. We have an awkward moment and i tried to fixed it."

"Awkward moment?" He ups his eye brow.

"Lot to explain." I check her up and she is awake.

"Hey Mikaela. I'm so sorry."

"It's okay. I am okay now. Look at me? Better right?"

"Are you going to come home?" She looks at Joe and hugs him. You know? Old time friends and meet each other feel like you can break a big wall.

"Joe i miss you much!" She smiles.

"Miss you Mikaela. And you Patrick! you have to responsible with her." I role my eyes and pretend to not listen.

"No Joe i am okay."

"How about you stay at my apartment to we could talk about our photo shoot?"

"I have home Patrick."

"Yeah i know, it is better if you could stay at mine, i have a guess room."

"Yeah Mikaela, just until the photo shoot. Also i will introduce you with Pete an Andy." Joe adds.

I wish she can accept my offer and stay with me. Other side, i made her faint like this. Hope i can carrying her well.
I pay the payment on the hospital and decide to go to my appartement. She's much better, and we go to some store to get a new dress for Mikaela. First time she doesn't want me to buy the clothes for her, she said she could take it on her house.

Five minutes from the store we are already in my appartement, we talks about Fall Out Boy, what is our theme or etc. Finally Joe leaves us.

"So tired huh?" I asked.

"Yeah, i want to sleep but it's six in the morning."

"Maybe you could take a rest first Mikaela."


I take her into a guess room, and she sleep well until in the night. Whoa can't believe she could sleep like this long. I laugh my self.
She is beautiful....

"Hey Patrick, what time... Oh my gosh! It's eight o'clock and you don't wake me up?"

"You look so tired so i let you sleep." I smile. Suddenly she looks at my phone, Mikaela looks at my phone and shocked.

"What?" I mumbled.

"Ahm no. Nothing. What is that?"

"This? Ah this is when Pete, my bet friend, loose his virginity."


We continued our time.

A/N: sorry this was short one. Next chapter is having a sexual content. Also and in the next chapter is adopted by fifty shades of grey WITHOUT any BDSM. Only for the next chapter.

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