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HakNyeon thinks to himself  "What's with the guy.. he's been giving me a cold shoulder ever since the beginning of finals week."

It's already 11pm and HakNyeon heard his phone ring.
He stayed up late just to anticipate the reply from his beloved boyfriend.
HakNyeon answers his phone in such relief
                             [On the phone]
R : Hak ,stop blowing up my phone! I told you already i was busy!
H : I just wanted to know that you're fine. You didn't text or call. I was just worried something bad happened if you didn't come home. I'm just concerned about you Ren...
R : Come on damnit, don't be so fucking dramatic! I'm always fine and you should know this. If you do this again, I'll never talk to you.
Typical Renjun hung up the phone and with a shocked look left of HakNyeon face he was dumbfounded.

He never accepted that.
After their conversation he still couldn't believe what just happened. He was hoping fro a descent response from his lover.

As he thought to himself "Does he not love me anymore?..." He finally came up to his senses "Your just thinking silly things hak! Renjun loves you. He wouldn't date me if i mean nothing to him"

HakNyeon sighed as he pulled his blanket over his body and went back to sleep.

The next morning, HakNyeon saw his beloved boyfriend Renjun on his way to their school. He decided to catch up with him and have a funny plan to scare him.

"Hak stop with the shitty pranks. I already know what your about to do, I hate it and I hate them." He stopped at a street light as he watched the cars go by having no intentions to look at his boyfriend behind him

"Oh.. alright..- but good morning! How was your sleep!" He came beside him and was holding Renjun hand.

The second Hak touch Renjun hands he quickly let go and put his hand in his pocket "What the hell.. don't touch me." He completely ignored the whole question and started walking the cross walk alone leaving Hak by the stoplight.

HakNyeon probably thought that Renjun was just messing with him so like he did before he caught up with him and he clings to his boyfriends arm but Renjun shoved him away

"What part of do no touch me yiu don't understand?!" He faced him with a mad look as if HakNyeon thought he did something wrong. "I just need space okay?!"

HakNyeon couldn't believe his eyes. He never saw this side of Renjun ; He couldn't hold his feels back anymore.

"What the hell is wrong with you?! Why are you like this. Im your boyfriend! And you never hang out with me these days. Your same fucking alibi would be "I'm busy" and i actually believe that because i trust you. But you can make some time for me..? Like the old days. I want my old boyfriend back.."

"Look. I'm sorry, and I've been the same. I'm still very busy at the moment." Renjun kisses his boyfriends forehead and walked ahead

HakNyeon couldn't understand his partner. "Did i make him angry? , Is it my fault? Why can't he just tell me?" He thought along while walking, not even bothered to get his boyfriends attention. He was left behind and decided to walk to school by himself.


After school, HakNyeon thought maybe Renjun "Space bubble" was over so he decided to try to talk to him

"Babe! Do you want to come to my house? We have a movie night, like the usual!" He smiles at him sweetly

He rolled his eyes in disgust "Well, i can't. I have work remember, get that through your thick skull." He thumped the middle of HakNyeon forehead.

He frowned as he softly rub the middle of his forehead "Oh i see! I understand!" Deep down he was really disappointed in the way things were happening in that moment.

Later that night HakNyeon didnt want to believe his thoughts. He really thinks at this point that his 2 year boyfriend was cheating on him. So he had an idea to call up a group of friends and help him follow Renjun for the rest of the night.

30 minutes later a car was outside, HakNyeon heard a car horn and knew his friends here.

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