7. The Newborn Army

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It's about 10 when we all leave for the battle. We agreed to meet in front of Emily's house. "Alright, everyone ready for today?" Sam asks. Almost everyone nods, the ones who don't look just a little nervous. "It doesn't matter if you are, because the fight's here. No one is getting hurt and everyone is going home. We're ready!" Sam tells everyone. "Seth, go to the campsite and rendezvous with Jacob. Keep him updated and tell him the fight starts soon." Seth nods, running off towards the mountains. "Everyone else phase and be ready for the fight," Sam commands.

I back away from the group and twist my skull ring so that my sword comes out. I swing it a little before putting it in it's holster. We all gathered in the field that was chosen for the fight. The Cullens are already there waiting.

The wolves and I stay hidden in the woods until they arrive. The fastest of the vampires start arriving and the Cullens attack them. The wolves join in and so do I. I take out my sword and start slitting their heads and limbs off. I flip one of them and twist the arm off their body before stabbing my sword through their eye. My celestial bronze dagger can cut and burn them, probably even kill them, but my sword can send them straight to the underworld.

There's a ton of vampires flying over people's heads and being thrown everywhere. I'm fighting one when another jumps on my back and scratches my face. I grab the back of their shirt and twist off their head. I reach up to my face and can feel blood on my fingers. Shit.

I look up and all the vampires get distracted and look over at me and so do a few of the Cullens. It happens so fast. 15 or so of them start running at me, looking for a taste of my blood. I take my sword and start slashing at them as fast as I can, but it's not fast enough.

I stop fighting them, putting my sword in it's holster and instead focus on raising some undead friends. I feel the ground shake a little and suddenly there's an army of skeletons fighting off some of the vampires. I take my sword out again and start killing again.

All of a sudden Seth comes to the battlefield. I make my way over to him to make sure he doesn't get hurt. He nudges into my back and gestures for me to get on him. I get on him and kill any vampires in our way as he takes me up the mountain to where Bella and Edward are.

We get up there and we see Riley Biers and Victoria about to attack Bella and Edward. He lets me off before lunging at Riley. I take my sword and step in front of both of them. "You have made my life a living hell. If you want to kill them, you're going to have to kill me first."

"Gladly, little human," the redhead sneers. She lunges at me and I start trying to hit her with my sword. We both continue to doge each other's attacks before she sees that Riley is being torn apart by Seth and she starts to run.

"You won't get another chance like this again," Edward tells her. She turns back around to him. "You want her. You want me to feel the pain you felt when I killed James, when I tore him to pieces, when I turned him into ash, when I turned him into nothing." She starts shaking and runs at him, knocking them both to the ground. She makes a grab for Bella before he throws her into a tree.

Edward takes down the tree she's in and she starts running for Bella. I slash her back, bringing her down onto the ground and Edward jumps on top of her. Out of the corner of my eye I see Riley kick Seth to the ground and I run over. He jumps and attacks Edward, but I grab him off. Unfortunately, this gives Victoria enough time to get the upper hand on Edward. I don't have time to help him as Riley rips my sword out of my hand. I punch his face and see a huge crack going to his eye. I take my dagger and start attacking him. He dodges a few times, but other times I make cuts on his arms causing him to yell out from the burn.

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