4. Before the Birth

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The next day we gave Bella x-rays to see how badly the baby had destroyed her bones the night before. "Her rib is cracked," Carlisle shows us. "But there are no splinters. You haven't punctured anything."

"Yet," Edward interjects.

"Edward," Carlisle warns.

"It's breaking her bones now," he says, looking at her. "It's crushing you from the inside out. Carlisle, tell her what you told me. Tell her." Will and I both look at each other. What did he tell him? Because he hasn't told the two of us anything.

"Carlisle, tell me. It's all right," she tells him. Is it alright? You look like a skeleton.

"The fetus isn't compatible with your body. It's too strong. It won't allow you to get the nutrition you need. It's starving you by the hour. I can't stop it, and I can't slow it down. At this rate, your heart will give out before you can deliver."

She gulps, "Then I'll hold on as long as I can, and then... "

"Bella," Carlisle interrupts her. "There are some conditions that even venom can't overcome. You understand? I am sorry." She nods to him and he leaves the room to let Edward and Bella talk. Will and I both leave too.

"I can heal her bones," Will tells me. "She is a legacy so if she was a little bit stronger I would risk giving her a small amount of nectar which hopefully wouldn't kill the baby, but she's just too weak I'm afraid her body would burn up."

"So we treat her like we would a dying person. Give them as much nectar and ambrosia as we can, treat outside wounds, sing a hymn to start the healing process for internal wounds, and give them medication for pain," I list off, remembering what he taught me. I asked him before I left for Forks the first time what the major things I need to know about how to treat someone and he taught me a lot. Will nods proudly at my answer.

"I've already set up a drip for her since she can't keep food down, I have her on iron. She has outside bruises that are caused by internal problems. We really just need the baby to calm down to assess her injuries further," He tells me. We see Edward storm out angrily and push past us. We look at each other and head back inside the room.

"Hello, Bella. I'm going to be placing your ribs back from where the baby kicked them, it should also help the splinters. I have to place them so it'll be a little painful," he starts pressing on her chest, but then stops. "Okay, Nat, I need your help."

"What is it?" I ask him, coming closer to her.

"The baby's foot is in the way, I need you to turn her belly so I can get to her ribs, can you do that?" He asked me. I nod, even though I don't know if I can. "Okay on three. 1...2...3" I lift her back and press on her stomach a little, getting the baby to move just enough so Will can access her ribs.

He puts the first one back into place and she screams and while she's distracted he does the other two. He grabs some bandages out of Carlisle cabinet and wraps them around her chest and the top of her Belly.

Will turns and whispers to me, "I'm going to say a hymn to see if I can help with the internal bruising." I nod and he starts singing softly,"Φοίβος ​​Απόλλων, λαμπερός και λαμπερός τοξότης,

Ο Πύθιος Απόλλωνας, Άρχοντας των Δελφών και των χρησμών,

Δηλιανός Απόλλων, Άρχοντας του νησιού της Δήλου,

Δελφίνιος," We both look down and notice some of the bruising go away.

"Are you done here?" Rosalie asks from behind us.

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