CHAP1:Ledger Falls

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They said if you failed once then try and try until you succeed.But for me and my family going back to the start have been a cycle.

And now here we are from where it really started.The place where I knew it all, where I knew that my family isn't normal.And that I was never normal.

The truth is I'm a witch.But no way! I don't do vodoo dolls,needles, potions and other stuffs.I'm trained with spells for almost 7 years now.

At first I thought me being witch was only a joke but when I almost burned our house I realized that I'm really a witch and that I can do magic.

Now that I'm 18 and a trained witch I can do magic without reciting spells which is not normal for my age.

And other witches respect not just because of that but also because of my family.

My family came from the most powerful covern in 1500's.And we are the only survivor of that covern I supposed.

"Hey bro! wake up! We're goin' to be late in school!" I heard my brother shouted.Actually I'm already ready for school.

By the way we study in a normal school that means we socialise with normal people.And we have been doing that for a long time.

We just came back here at ledger falls last week and school starts this day.

I'm nervous not because I'm going to a new school but because of an accident that happened years ago when I was just a newbie in using magic.

An accident that made my family move to another place.I just really hope that they've forgotten all about it.After all it has been years since that happened.

But then there's no going back now.I have to do this, I have to face reality.So why'd we comeback here when we can just go to other place? I'm the one who suggested it.

Dylan, My brother who is just 16 needs to learn magic here.You see there's a place here, An old mansion to be specific where I need to perform a spell.

A spell that can help my brother perform high level magic.Because I know something will happen, It will happen.

We need to be ready.I don't know what it was buy I'm always having this feeling that death is coming for us.And I'm afraid.

"Yohoo~ Jazz to Earth!" Dylan waved his hands in front of me.

"Huh? ow Dylan?" I didn't know I spaced out so long.

"We need to hurry." He said and grabbed my hands.

"What took you so long?" Our father asked as soon as we arrived at his car.

Justin Wright, Our father was a powerful witch.He's a proof that look's really deceiving. He may look weak outside but you'll never know what magic he can't do.

"Yah! It was jazzer's fault he's too slow." Dylan said.I almost forgot this kid is really whiny.

"I'm sorry okay.C'mon we're really late now."


"See you at our next meeting you can go now." Mr.De Santos, Our language teacher smiled and fixed his things.

It's lunch right now.And being the new guy in town kinda sucks because you don't have someone to eat with.

Dylan is studying in the other building that means I can't eat with him.Yeah I know it sucks big time!

Luckily when I arrived at the cafeteria I saw a vacant seat in a table where a group of friend is sitting.

"Is there anyone sitting here?" I asked with a smile.

They all looked at me.Scanned me like a book then burst in laughter.

What's wrong with them? tsk.

I just went away.What else can I do?

I noticed something.Everyone have their group of friend but there's this someone who's isolated, alone in his table.

Having no other choice I went and asked if there's someone seating beside him.

"Nope." He shortly answered and smiled.

He have this small physique,Fair skin, Black shiny hair, and beautiful green eyes making him look a little bit feminine.

"Oh oh he's going to get pranked." I heard one student from the other table whispered.He? Pranked? Who?

It's too late for me to realize that it was me who's going to get pranked.When I looked back at him he's gone with my FOOD!

How? Where did he go? It's impossible for Someone to dissappear that fast!

I laugh at myself as I realized im overreacting.

It was just a food I can just buy again.Starved, I went and bought new foods.

I gasped in surprise when I went back at my table.

My food that disappeared with the guy is now here in my table!

Unfortunately.The bell rang telling us that we must go to our next class.

With an empty stomach I went to my next class which is history.Without any intro our history teacher wrote something in the board.


My mouth formed an O as I remembered something.That green eyed guys disappeared very fast and vampires can move in a blink of an eye.

What if that green eyed guy is a vampire?


Song Yunhyeong as Jazzer Wright and Jung Chanwoo as Dylan Wright.Yeah they're brothers in the story :)


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