I Use To Be Fat, Things Changed. Part 6

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Chapter 6

When we reached the school I just got out of his car with out a word. Was there a problem with me being fat before? I didn't think it would be a problem. When I got into the building i saw Eric. 

I. Am. Going. To. Kill. Him!

"Eric!" I shouted over the crowd, and thankfully everyone kept moving to the classes. Eric's eyes widened and he haled ass to his next class. I wasn't going to chase his sorry ass.

When i got into class Emily smiled. "I thought you weren't going to be here today! I would've been super bored!" she said.

"Yeah, i wouldn't have came, my brother took my keys and then he sent your brother to pick me up." i rolled my eyes.

"My brother?" she asked. I nodded. Then the teacher came in. 

"Alright class, get your books out and go to pages 235." he said taking out his large teacher text book.

Class was super boring. Emily didn't really talk to me during the lecture like last class. Odd.

When it was lunch i spotted Eric and walked over to him and smacked his head as i took a seat next to him. "You idiot!" i yelled at him. He shrugged. "That's what you get for taking your sweet ass time!" he yelled back. 

"You broke my fucking door!" i said angrily.

"Oh, boo hoo, cry me a river, build a bridge and get over it!" he rolled his eyes and began to eat.

I don't know what over came me, but i pushed his head into the pasta causing it to fly every were on his face. I smiled at myself proudly.

I watched him as he pulled his head up slowly. "Charlie.." he whispered. His face was covered in red sauce, i giggled. "Yes my one of a kind brother?" i grinned.

He grabbed my plate of pasta and simply smeared it on my face with a smile. I didn't see that one coming.

I grabbed his peas and threw it at him. and the peas landed on him, and Drew. "What the hell?" Drew said. Then Drew through his mashed potatoes at ME ! "WHAT THE FUCK?!"

And that is how the food fight began.

Then the principle came into the cafeteria. "STOP!" he yelled. The whole student body put down there things and looked at him. "Who started this." he said looking around. Everyone pointed at Eric, Drew, and I. Fuck.

"You 3 in my office. Now." he turned on his heals and left. 

"Great." Eric mumbled. Drew laughed. "It was fun." he smiled at me. Okay bi-polar!

When we go into the office the principal was tapping his finger on his desk. He looked right at me. "It's the second day of school." then he looked at Eric. "You turned this new kid and your sister into troublemakers?!" he said.

Eric was about to say something but i cut in. "It was my fault sir." I said.

He raised his eyebrows. Then Drew began, "It was mine too." and then Eric. "Me three."

"I do not care who started it as long as those who did it clean up my cafeteria!" he said loudly. "Now go. Be here after school to clean up."


OMG ! sorry for the wait <3

voteeeeee COMMENT, B E C O M E A F A N N N N N N ! ! ! ! ! !

It's just school n'all. i'll try to update more often :*

I USE To Be Fat, Things Changed (UNDER SOME SERIOUS CONSTRUCTION)Where stories live. Discover now