Chapter 7

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D’Artagnan’s POV

Constance wanted to have the wedding here in Calais because of what has happened the last time we’ve been here. Back then she had to let e go to save France and didn’t know whether she would ever see me again. I know how hard that has been for her. And I am hating myself for what I am going to do now. I would do anything to protect her. But to protect her, I have to hurt her and actually that’s killing me. But I am a Musketeer and my duty is to protect the King and France. And what can I say? Duty calls. Well it literally screams at me.
I sigh, then turn her in my arms. I put my hand under her chin and lift it, so that she’s looking at me.

“Constance, listen to me. You have to go. You have to go back to Paris as quickly as you can. You have to tell King Louis what happened. You have to warn him. It seems like English ships are attacking Calais. We don’t know what they want yet.”

“Okay… But what about you, why don’t you-“

She interrupts herself as her eyes widen in realization.

“No, D’Artagnan, I can’t leave you! Not again! Not here! What if I never see you again? I-“

I cut her off. Seeing her this upset is destroying me, but I can’t change it, no matter how much I would like to. But there’s no other way.

“Constance, you have to. You have no choice! I can’t come with you. I’ve sworn to protect France and it’s my duty! I love you, but now go, as long as you still can sneak out of here. I will be fine!”

I see new tears in her eyes, but she nods and disappears. And with her goes a part of my heart. The part that will always be hers. I pray to God that she’ll make it…

Athos’ POV

I watch from not far how D’Artagnan tells Constance that she has to leave. I know that this is hell for him. Sending her away and seeing her heartbroken over leaving him. I know that he wants nothing more than just take her and run away. But that’s not who he is. On the one hand he wants to be with her and he wants her to be safe. But right now she’s not safe with him. D’Artagnan would never run and hide. He is brave and a man of honor. He would always stay and fight, even if there’s a battle that can’t be won.

Constance takes off and D’Artagnan’s head drops. He doesn’t know whether he’s gonna see her again. And that’s the moment when I make myself a promise. I am going to protect him, no matter what. He will see her again and they will get married!

I step at his side, placing a hand on his shoulder.

“Don’t worry, she’s gonna make it.”

He nods ever so slightly.

“I know, I just don’t know whether I will make it. I have a bad feeling about this.”

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