She's Electric

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Imagine Written By happinesandsprinkles
You walk up to the old White House, it looked beaten down and the paint had chipped off quite a lot. You turn your head to see Carl staring at the house. He must have noticed your glare because he turned his head towards you and smiled reassuringly. You liked that smile of his, even if it wasn't shown often.

Earlier you had asked Carl if he would take you to your old house to get some stuff. You really needed to go back and get some things. Maybe the stereo still worked and your albums would work as well. You hoped, but doubt it. Yoi sigh heavily and feel your chest rise up and then down. "You ready y/n?" He asks, nodding towards the house.

You let out a shakey breath and nod. "Yeah let's go" You say and hold up your gun, walking up towards the house. It was broken down and had a bad smell to it. The right window was broken and you kicked the door open. The gun stays steady but my heart beat doesn't.

He clears the bottom half of the house while you clear the top. Nothing but empty, messy bedrooms.

It clearly shows that people have already rampaged through everything, taking the survival stuff but leaving the sentimental things. Like the picture of your family at your sisters Sweet 16. She was so happy, all her friends came and the whole family.

"She's cute, she looks like you." He said over my shoulder and you looked back at him. You nodded, your sister was beautiful, but in your opinion you looked nothing like her.
I am no where near as pretty as her, nor will I ever be.
You think to yourself.

"She's my sister." You tell him and you could feel his breath on your neck. You can't help but just listen to it, his breath gentle and calming. The slow air causes your neck to tingle and cause a small shiver up and down your spine.

"You're beautifulier though." He whispered, pausing throughout the sentence.
I turned around.

"That's not a word hon" You scold and chuckle. He rolls his eyes and you throw the picture on the ground. What no one knows is that your family only looked perfect. It wasn't by far.

You go into your bedroom and find an broken lava lamp. the carpet floor stained where it had broken. The entire room was just filled with trash and dirt, a room that had once been you're place to ignore the world, to be alone. you sigh and lay on your old bed the springs making an annoying sound just as they always had. It was still comfortable, and if you wanted you could've just closed your eyes and pretended that nothing.

Carl walks in and smiles sensitively.
"Scooch." He demands.
You "scooch" over and Carls sets himself on the bed, you lie back down. He lays beside you with his hands resting on behind his head and your hands resting on your stomach. He sighs and looks at the ceiling.

"Funny how things have changed since the outbreak." He said and you nod.

"I miss them, my family sometimes. Even with the shit that went down with everyone, we were still a family." You said and he raised an eyebrow.

"I might be stepping my bounders but what do you mean went down?" He asked and you didn't even look at him. You didn't want to say anything about it because it was in the past. It was gone and nothing could make it better because what was done, was done.

"You know family issues, but what's done is done. It doesn't matter anymore." You said and he nodded, not asking about it anymore. You saw that they left her battery stereo and a few CDs.

"Hey Carl, got any batteries?" You asked and he searched his pockets for a moment pulling out two.

"I got two, why?" He asked tossing you the batteries. You placed them in and put in an Oasis CD you owned. The first song that started was she's electric. You sat down on the bed and closed your eyes, listening to every word in the song.

"She's got a brother
We don't get on with one another
But I quite fancy her mother
And I think that she likes me
She's got a cousin
In fact she's got about a dozen
She's got one in the oven
But it's nothing to do with me" You sang whispered choking on the words due to the tears falling down your face. Carl sat beside you watching.

When the song was over Carl placed a hand on yours and stood up in front of you. As Wonderwall, a true classic began to play.

"May I have this dance." He smiled.

You smiled back and wiped the tears on your eyes. He helped you up. He raised an eyebrow as you put his hands on your waist and you put yours on his shoulders. He soon relaxed and you too didn't say anything, you brought you hands down inwards and rested your head on his chest close enough to hear his heart beating.

"I like you, you know that." He whispered and you nodded.

"I know."

"I like you too" You said and you could feel him smile as he rested his chin on your head. Neither said a word for the rest of the song, just allowed the moment to take over both of you.

The End

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