Keep Holding On

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To intense the feels listen to the song "Keep Holding On" by Avril Lavinge or Glee (in my opinion I prefer glee)


You plopped onto your bed after dinner and grabbed your phone. Your lock screen was filled with messages from Chandler, you put in your password and scrolled up to read them.


"You there?"

"How are you?"

"That's good!"

"Me? Oh I'm fantastic!"

"I'm enjoying talking to myself"


"Of course you like me, I'm fabulous"

You chuckled as you read the messages he sent you. As you were reading them it said he was typing.

"I really do like you (Y/N), I think I might even love you."

Your face turned a light shade of red and you smiled uncontrollably.

"I think you might be exaggerating just a little Mr. Riggs." You finally replied.

"SHES ALIVE!" He responded almost immediately.

"And just to be clear I totally resent your accusation about my love for you."

You smiled and moved your pillows around to get into a more comfortable position.

"Well, prove it." You replied

"Well, I will" he said.

"When you said yes, when I asked you out today I literally went home and had to pinch myself, because I don't understand why the world would allow me to have such a beautiful girl to call my girlfriend. Oh and I also have like twenty pictures of you on my phone."

"You're so cute" you replied.

"Do I have your permission to post a picture of us on my Instagram?" He asked.

"Won't your fans freak out." You asked.

"Of course, I'm apparently Jesus to them, which is highly untrue." He said

"Then why would you post a picture of us then?" You asked confused

"Because I want the world to know that your my girlfriend and that I'm not ashamed in any way what so ever." He said.

"Yah okay go ahead." You replied flattered.

You pressed the home button and went onto Instagram, Chandler tagged you in a photo of the two of you that was literally taken this morning.

"Couldn't ask for anyone better to call my girlfriend" The caption read

You smiled and liked the photo. Immediately your friends requests went bonkers. You decided to go off private it was useless you pretty much almost let anyone follow you. So you turned it off and returned back to your messages with Chandler.

"We need nicknames." Chandler said.

"Okay well I'm calling you fluffy cause your hairs so freaking fluffy." You said.

"I'll call you muffin" he said

"Nooooooooo lol that sounds like something you call a dog" you replied

"Well you are a bitch" he replied.

Your mouth dropped, surprised but you were laughing as well.

"A female dog duh!"

"That's what I thought." You messaged back.

":)" he sent.

"I gtg to bed gnight!" You said followed by hearts.

"Night beautiful" he replied.

You put your phone on your nightstand and fell asleep with this amazing feeling inside of you.

Your alarm awoke you the following morning. You brushed your teeth, brushed your hair did the usual and got dressed you put on jean shorts and a black tank top that said "You snooze you loose". You grabbed your backpack and swung it on your shoulder, you hopped into your parents vehicle and waited for you mom/dad to come out. To pass time you grabbed your phone out. You went onto Instagram and saw that you had over 1000 Instagram comments. Your eyes widened and you started looking at them. You smiled as you read the first one "OMG! You're so pretty can I be you like OMG! Lol" you scrolled down and your smile faded.

"She's fucking ugly"

"^^ lmao I agree with this person"

"Hoe bag!"

"Wtf why is chandler dating her."

"She just wants him for attention"

"Chandlers mine bitch back the fuck up"

"Go back to hell where you belong"

"^^ lmao satans arrived, she looks like a fucking dog"

You tried to stop the tears as your mom/dad hopped into the vehicle and brought you to school. When you arrived to Etowah you got out and went to find Chandler as fast as you could.

"Chandler!" You yelled down the hall as you saw him standing at his locker with Gray.

"Bye Gray." He waved and walked towards you

"Bye dude" Gray replied and walked away.

Chandler walked up and hugged you but you pushed him away.

"I can't do this." You stuttered.

"Wait what?" He asked confused.

"I'm sorry." You said and began crying you turned away from him and walked away.

"(Y/N) wait tell me what's wrong!" He pleaded.

You ignored him and continued walking. He ran up to you and grabbed your arm.


"I can't handle the hate." You cried.

"You'll get used to it. Hana did." He said shrugging.

"IM NOT HANA!" You yelled.

Chandlers eyes widened startled.

"I'm not famous, okay? I don't want to be famous. If that's what's going to happen if I date you then I just can't do it."

You looked around to see people staring. You tucked your hair behind your ear and looked at your feet. Chandlers hand reached your chin and he lifted it up so you were forced to look into his eyes.

"I'm in love with you." He said quietly.

You blushed and closed your eyes then opened them to see that he was still looking at them, his blue eyes pierced right through you.

"I know your not." You mumbled.

"I'm in love with you, and I'm not in the business of denying myself the simple pleasure of saying true things. I'm in love with you, and I know that love is just a shout into the void, and that you're the prettiest girl I've ever seen and doesn't know of that. You need to be told every single day that you're loved and if I'm the one to do that than I'm honoured. And I'm going kiss you." He said giving you no choice to object. When his lips pressed against yours you felt the butterflies, the fireworks, the roller coaster and nothing around you mattered but you and him.

It wasn't until you heard clapping of other students that you came back to reality.

"We'll get through this together, i promise"

He kissed your forehead and grabbed your hand as he walked you to class.

The End

Imagines (Chandler Riggs & Carl Grimes)Where stories live. Discover now