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Hinata left Sakura and Naruto behind as she entered the school halls.

"Hinata, please let me carry your bookbag to your first period."

"Thank you for the help Toneri-San, but I could carry it and I don't have a first period."

"Just let me carry it around while you enjoy your walk."

"Thank you Toneri-San," said Hinata as she handed her bag to Toneri.

Hinata started walking when she saw the three boys looking at her angry. They saw that they couldn't get their homework now since Hinata was around someone else. Their death stare made Hinata know what saw going to happen if she didn't go over there now.

"Excuse me Toner-San, I have to go do something," Hinata said as she took her bag back from Toneri.

"If you want, I can come with you?" Toneri asked as he saw that Hinata was heading towards the three boys.

"No need, thank you Toneri-San," Hinata said as she bows. However, Toneri hid behind the wall and listen to Hinata's conversation.

"I am sorry that I am late," said Hinata as she bows and took out their homework.

"You better be bitch, at least you didn't bring that succumb towards us, or else you would have been in big trouble."

Hinata excused herself and started walking away. She knew that Toneri was there watching. "Why didn't he come out and try to do something about it."

"Hey! Hinata!" waved Naruto.

"Naruto-Kun? Do you need something?"

"No, it's just that you were right! Sasuke said that he will come back next year!" Naruto cheered.

"That is some very exciting news! You finally accomplished your goal."

"Thank you Hinata, see ya later. Sakura-Chan is waiting for me."

"Yea... See you later..." Hinata said as she gave Naruto a sad smile.
Sixth Period

It was the last class of the day, Hinata waited for the bell to ring.

"Hinata! I can't believe that Sasuke-Kun is coming back next year! He probably got even more handsome and fit." squealed Sakura.

"Sakura-San, what about Naruto-Kun? Are you still going to be with him?"

"Of course I am Hinata. I wouldn't leave Naruto for Sasuke. Besides Naruto is popular and Sasuke... He will just be no one when he arrives."

When Sakura said that Hinata knew that Sakura was dating Naruto not because of who he was but because of popularity. Hinata also knew that Sakura still had a bit of feeling towards Sasuke. Hinata could hear the way Sakura says Sasuke's name with excitement. And the way Sakura blushed when she said that Sasuke might come back even much more handsome.

"Hinata! We have to go shopping tomorrow!!" Sakura squealed

"Sakura-San but.."

"No buts! It's been decided, let's meet at the mall at 10 am tomorrow." with that, the bell rang and Sakura got up and walk out the door before Hinata could protest.

-Next Day-

Hinata just finished getting ready when she saw the clock and saw it was 10:20! She was late to go meet Sakura.

Hinata was running past street and street as she finally reached the mall. She was looking outside to see if Sakura was there. "Maybe she is late?" Hinata thought. She entered the mall and walked to a cafe to buy a water bottle. She was thirsty from all that running.

As she entered she saw a pink hair girl sitting next to a blonde boy sharing a chocolate milkshake.

"Hinata! You are late!"

"I am sorry Sakura-San, I got distracted and lost track of the time..."

"It's fine Hinata, I was just teasing you a little. Naruto is going to join us. Is it fine by you?"

"Yes, no need to ask me for permission Sakura-San."

They exited the cafe. Hinata forgot why she even enter there in the first place.

Hinata and Naruto sat down on a bench while Sakura went inside the store.

"Rock! Paper! Scissors! Shoot!" Both said at the same time.

"HA! I win! Let's play again, Hinata?" Said Naruto

"Sure." But before they could get started they saw Sakura running out the store. They turn to see who she was running too.

"SASUKE-KUN!"  Yelled Sakura
"Sasuke?!" Questioned Naruto
"Sasuke-Kun?" Asked Hinata

Sakura jump into the arms of Sasuke. And was hugging him, and telling him that she missed him so much.

Not only did Sasuke move schools he also moved towns. Naruto had to ride his bike just to get to Sasuke's house.

Hinata turned to her side to look at Naruto. He seemed sad probably because of Sakura being clingy to Sasuke. "Naruto-Kun? Why don't you go and say hello to Sasuke-Kun?"

"I guess I should," Naruto said, he began walking towards Sasuke but noticed that Hinata wasn't following him. He saw that Hinata was leaving. Naruto ran to Hinata, to ask her if he could take her home.

"Hinata! Let me take you home. You love too far away you can't walk by yourself." Naruto said as he open the door for him and Hinata to leave the mall.

"Thank you Naruto-Kun, it will be nice walking with you. But I am not going home. I have somewhere else to be. Goodbye Naruto."

Hello, Guys Thank You For All Your Support. I Am Sorry That I Posted This Chapter Late. I Have Been Busy. I Have A Lot Of Projects That I Have To Do. And Finals Are Coming Up For Me.

Until Next Time Good Bye And Thank You For The Votes. I Will Try To Make This Story Better.

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