Chapter 2

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This is going to be amazing


I litrally dropped my bag on the floor and stared up at the beautiful ship that I will be relaxing on for the next two weeks. I can't hide the massive grin smothered on my face.

"one second" Rowan says bending down to tie his shoelace

"Lets go!" Matthew shouts tugging on my other brothers worn jumper. 

"Yeah Rowan, lets go!" I giggle sticking my tounge out at him. He puts his hands up in defence "Okay okay fine" Me and Matthew cheer, now its Rowan that sticks his tounge out. We all basically sprint to the ship into the queue. I take the beautiful scene around me. I could see a beach probably a few miles away, nothing like the british ones. The sand was a beautiful golden colour and the sea a perfect blue. on the other side of me a little further then me I saw the most beautiful little church. With little baby angel things purched on the top and a huge brass bell. I think I am going to like it here.

Standing in a line for a good hour is so boring and considering the heat change I am litrally sweating so much(Bet you wanted to know that) And eventually the queue moves and we found ourselves in the stunning lobby. I have realised that I have used a lot of words to describe the beauty but I seriously cannot over state how amazing this is.

People say the best part of a holiday is first arriving and exploring everything... or pouncing on the bed. I will let you know my favourite bit when I decide myself. 

"Immmmmm alll aloneeeeeeee, Theres no one here beside meeeeee"  my ringtone rang loud for everyone to here. (the song, Irony) 


"calm it dad, shes calling me."

"you have to pay to recive as well."

"how much.."

"a good 30p" my dad says rubbing his eyebrows

"Ahhhh!" I shout before breaking out into laughter "stop being so stingy" my serious voice is on.

"HOW IS THE CRUISE, WHATS IT LIKE? I AM SO JEL! HOWS THE FOOD, SEEN ANY FITTAYS ... HI DANI!" I pull the phone away from my ear. Well that hurt.

"I hope you too realise i litrally have just stepped on the cruise so I can't answer the first question. Seems great so far, well you should be. haha trust you to ask about food. and noooo wooooaah. yes, yes I have seen a fittaay and HI ZOE!"

Wow he's um... gorgeous, I turn round to get a good look at this boy. He has super dark brown hair like me, fairly tall, brown gorgeous eyes and beautiful smile.... Wait! He just smiled at me... i am going all giddy.

"hellooooo helloooo.... OI" 

"hmm yeah sorry what?"

"Have a great time anyway bye smelly..."

"oh don't worry i will and see ya!" I hung up and slid the phone back in my pocket and Ignore the death glare from my dad. "just going to look around...come with me Jade" she nodded eagerly. I grabbed her hand and dragged the direction that the boy went.

mwahah evil plan in work... this is going to go hopelessly wrong...

yeah its short but its sort of a smaller chapter leading to the bigger ones... if that makes sense! Please COMMENT or LIKE

:) good

:/ okay

:( bad

 I really need opinions to see if i should carry on



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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2013 ⏰

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