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Hey guys! I'm Lauren, and I am thinking of making a new story... so I posted the prologue but I am still thinking of the full plot so i guess the story would not come out for at least over a week if i do it. I really want to know what you think as i did have another story but that wasn't very good and im pretty proud of this so far:p PLEASE NOTE THIS IS NOT A FANFICTION. yeah so tell me if i should make it please <3

"Oh my god!" Jade squealed "can't sink us can it?" I saw the towering wave closing in on us. Tears were threatning to spill down my cheeks at any moment but I can't show Grace how scared I am, how scared I am that we are probaby going to die.

"I don't know" I lie "but what do we do?" panic filled my voice but I tried to control it. How is this happening?  What is happening? And most importantly how will we survive?

I frooze as I saw the large wave growing closer. I know my fate, this wave will wash over all the ship and i am guessing this much water will tip it over sucking me into my doom. There is nothing to do but wait.I grabbed Jades and Grace's hand and gave it a squeeze. I closed my eyes tightly because this going to be painful to watch. "Danielle! Jade! My Grace!" I opened my eyes sharply to see my family running towards us, I knew we should've been with them today but I was determined to go explore more! My heart raced and I felt like I was going to throw up, to think that I could of spent my last hours with my family instead of lying by a pool... My breath hitches up in my throat as I seriously try not cry now.

There was nothing to do but wait pressed up against the barrier, not daring to move, even though it wouldn't make a difference. all I want to do right now Is be at our little home in London sat on the sofa drinking a cup of tea, arguing over who gets to choose the television programme.

"MUM... DAD!" I screamed. you couldn't miss the look of pure terror filling their faces even from 20 metres away. Suddenly the other end of the ship was submurged in water, the parrelal barrier was pushed off and was also being forcefully pushed towards us. Doors sprung off as well as glass all heading in our direction, this wave is strong.

"Hurry Mum! Hurry!" I shouted my loudest, it doesn't matter what I do anyway. The wave tumbles and crashes over my parents and brothers head. I saw them get dragged down and not come back up. please say they are okay... please. my face scrunched in a knot, my ears tingled as the last thing I heard was my younger brothers fear filled scream. 

The wave was on to us next swishing towards us pulling people down. "hold your breath!" Jade shouted as the wave collided with us. It felt like a sack of bricks smacking on to my head as the water hit and it was shoving me through the sea at tremendous speed. I gripped on to one of my sisters hands i am not sure which one to be honest. my other sisters has been split from my grip. We twist around in the waves it is horrible. I try to scream, bad idea since the water filled my mouth. 

I tried my best, I really did try my best to hold on to my sister but our heads collided and our grips lost contact. My body was still being thrown around, doing summersaults and backflips,  bits of ship occasionly smacking into me causing another scream. It felt like hours before my head reached the surface. I sucked as much air in as i could possibly fit before being dragged under. I must of fallen a long way because now I seem to be sea level... well I was. The water hasn't lost it's strength yet. I can't move any part of my body by myself. The wave is like a pupetmaster and I am its victim.

A sharp pain scraped across my ribs and on my shoulder. When will this agony end?

It is like I can feel the grim reaper waiting for my death to snatch me up and take me. 

right I know its crap,  I would really like at leat 100 reads if and before i post chapter 1 and like at least 1 vote and comment to show that people may like the idea if not ill stop... *gets no comments or likes or reads* and by the way as i wrote this real quick it probably won't be in the story

From Paradise to HellWhere stories live. Discover now