Dreams, Secrets, and Birthrights

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A week had passed since she had finally been brought back home. Mikael refused to leave her side, even at her own requests. She could tell that her father was truly sorry, although he would not say it to her. At first, she was furious with him, and rightfully so. She recalls yelling at him, calling him an awful father for the way he treats Niklaus, and telling him that she would never forgive him for what he did. She knew she had done some damage that night but she wonders if it had been enough.

All of her siblings visited her, all except Niklaus. She didn't blame him for not coming to see her, especially when Mikael was around all the time.

A slight knock on the door snapped her out of her thoughts and effectively woke up Mikael. Esther walked into the room with a wooden bowl. Elena opened her mouth and let the liquid substance flow down her throat, grimacing at the bitter taste that lingered behind.

"Mother, can I ask you something," Elena questions.

"Of course," Esther says.

"Where did I come from?" Elena asks.

Esther's eyes quickly went to Mikael's. They had never thought of what to do if Elena asked that question, whether they should tell her the truth or lie.

"I found you in the woods, surrounded by blood," Mikael answers.

Elena's mind drifted back to her dream, had it been related?

"Mikael!" Esther exclaims.

Esther hadn't expected him to be so blunt.

"Did I have a name before?" Elena asks, this time her voice was more urgent.

"Yes, it was Elliana," Esther informs.

Elena's eyes looked between Esther and Mikael before she nodded.

"I've been having dreams," Elena admits her voice not more than a whisper.

"Dreams?" Esther questions.

"Of a boy who wears a red cloak," Elena clarifies.

"That is normal for a girl your age, Elena," Esther says dismissively.

"He calls me Elliana," Elena notifies.

The energy in the room quickly changes from calm and tranquil to one of alert and panic.

"What else happens in these dreams?" Esther asks.

"He only talks to me," Elena says, suddenly scared of what her parents may think of her if she told them about the two dead people.

"What does he talk to you about?" Mikael asks, a trace of worry in his voice.

"He asks me for my name, and he told me he could teach me of the past,"

"Elena, I want you to listen to me very carefully," Esther instructs.

Elena looks at Esther as she waits on her next words.

"Do not under any circumstances tell him anything about yourself, and don't accept his help,"

"I understand,"

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