Chapter 14

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Rebekah's scream filled the house, and everything seemed to freeze.

"Elena! Elena! Stop, you're hurting her!" Kol yells.

Esther bursts into the room, eyes wide at the scene before her; items flying around the room, Rebekah lying on the floor gasping for air as blood flows out of her mouth, and Kol repeatedly shaking Elena– begging her to come back to her senses.

"I heard yelling-"

Esther's words die in her throat.

"My god." Ayana whispers.

The amount of raw power in the room was devastating, it was no wonder that Kol couldn't stop Elena.

"Ayana, help me!" Esther pleads.

"Of course."

Ayana places her hands in Esther's, but before they can begin to chant, everything stopped.

"Elena?" Kol whispers, watching Elena closely.

She blinks once, then twice, before her eyes scan the room. Horror quickly fills her when she spots Rebekah on the floor.


Elena pushes herself off the bed, only to stumble into Kol's arms. Kol slowly places Elena back on the bed, grateful that Elena wasn't paying attention to what he was doing.

"She's going to be okay." Ayana says as she lifts Rebekah into her arms.

Rebekah's eyes crack open, almost immediately finding Elena's.

"No- Did I?"

Elena shakes her head as tears make their way down her face.

"Rebekah, I-"

"Get them out of here." Esther says softly.

Ayana gives Esther a curt nod as she leaves the room with Rebekah over her shoulder and a hand wrapped around Kol's resistant arm.

"It's not your fault, Elena. Witches lose control of their powers at times."

Esther slowly takes Elena's hands into her own.

"It is my fault, everything is." Elena whispers.

"That is not true, my dear."

Elena looks over at the wall in an attempt to avoid her Mother's sad eyes.

"Mother, did something happen? I can't remember anything that happened last night, and my body... It feels so weak-"

Elena pauses as her Mother's sob filled her ears. She slowly spins in Esther's direction, confused when she's met with Esther's teary eyes. All her life, she had never seen her mother cry.

"Mother? What happened? Did– No–"

"Elena–" Esther's words were shaky as she tried to gain her composure.

"When I woke Niklaus and Henrik weren't there... I thought they went to watch the wolves so I wanted to search for them- Why can't I remember?"

Elena's eyes widened in terror.

"Did something happen to them? Mother, please–"

Esther placed her hand on Elena's shoulder before taking a calming breath.

"Niklaus is fine."

Elena releases a sigh as Esther begins to get up.


"Yes, Elena?"

"What about Henrik?"

Esther faces the door.

"Yes, Henrik is... fine."

"And me? What happened to me? Why were you crying?"

Esther turns to look at Elena, giving her a sad smile.

"We will talk about this later... You should get some rest."

Before Elena could say anything else, Esther leaves the room.

Ayana shakes her head as Esther closes the door.

"How is Rebekah?" Esther questions.

"She is sleeping right now, but I was able to heal her injuries."

"Thank you, Ayana."

"I heard what you said in there... you should not lie to her-"

"I am doing what is best for her, she can not handle the truth."

"She is going to find out, and when she does it should come from you."

"You do not think I know that, Ayana? I just- she could have killed Rebekah tonight... If she finds out the truth now, just imagine the destruction she could cause."

"You can not be serious-"

"It is the right thing to do, she can not handle her magic... no one could ever handle that much power."


"Will you help me?"

"I will not, and for Elena's sake, I hope you won't go through with it."

Author's note: Just in case you're confused I have been jumping back and forth in time. Right now, it's a week after Elijah's diary insert and it's the night before Tatia wakes Lilith up from her dream. Sorry for the long wait, thank you for reading!

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