Chapter 6

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The young blond followed the lights further and further away from the kingdom until he found a mountain that reached up to the lights. That had to be a pretty high mountain. It made the boy thankful he had wings.

He flew up as fast as he could to the top and landed on the cut off. He turned around to watch the lights, looking for the familiar shape of a woman he yearned to see and embrace. His heart pounded when he didn't see the shadow, then he felt a pair of arms wrap around him and pull him into a warm hug. Tommy paused, his eyes wide as he tilted his head to look up only to see the beaming face of his mother. She had a wide grin.

"How was the adventure?" She asked.

"It was scary," Tommy said, turning to hug back his mother. "I met an old man."

The woman giggled. "That old man is a King, you know," she said. "And he's not that old."

"You know him?" Tommy questioned.

"I do," the woman's pretty red lips curled up to a smile. "He's one of the few people I'm fond of." The woman began to rock Tommy. "Go to sleep, child. You have another adventure ahead of you."

Tommy's eyes slowly closed as he felt peace take hold of his heart. He felt calm, like the world was silenced and everything was still. He could sleep without worrying about anything coming for him. Unbeknownst to him, the woman had her hand on his forehead and a blue gleam of light emanated from his forehead where her finger touched him.

"Good night, my young prince."


The sun shone over the horizon, and a young man with luscious brown hair climbed that mountain as a challenge to himself. His brown hair was pulled back to a small ponytail and his nicely trimmed beard brushed neatly. He was dressed in fine leather work that covered his torso, over his sleeveless shirt, but it didn't cover the thick, muscular arms that he had. An axe was strapped to his back as well as a bow, and he wore fingerless, leather gloves on his forearms and hands. As he climbed the mountain, veins would reveal themselves on his arms and the side of his neck as he hoisted himself over every edge he could hold onto. His fierce blue eyes glared in the sunlight as he strived to reach the top.

He hoisted himself over the edge of the cut off with a grunt and brought his legs up to the top, panting when he let himself fall on his back on the flat peak. He heard a faint snoring, so he narrowed his brows before getting up and looking around the area. He found a small blond clad in white sleeping in the middle of the round peak. It was a large peak, about the size of an arena, with crooked edges, and the blond was right in the center.

The man got up from the ground and walked towards the sleeping boy. He noticed something moving from underneath the cloak. Gold-tipped white feathers with gold rings and a dot in the middle like an eye. The brunet narrowed his eyes at the wings, then looked around right before bending down and poking the boy, seeing if the blond would stir. The boy didn't move nor did he wake. The man hummed to himself before bending over to pick up the boy, gathering the wings, and walking to the edge of the mountain and looking down.

"How do I get down from here?" He muttered.


A black-haired boy sat on the edge of a pond holding a spear, hunting for fish and hanging them on a drying rack. His dark brown eyes gentle and warm as he stared at the still water, satisfied at the stillness before throwing the spear down at the eye of a fish.


A strong gust of wind pushed against his back, but he didn't budge, so it parted behind him and blew out the ponds water and all of the fish completely. He straightened up and turned to see a man only a few years older than him with brown hair, his face shadowed with one green eye glowing while the other eye was closed. On his back was a blond who was surprisingly asleep.

The brown-haired man straightened up and looked down at the ground, only to notice the deep cracks he caused. "Whoops," he said.

The taller male deadpanned. "Jack, you blew all the fish away," he said, slumping a little.

Jack looked up at the other male and laughed. "Sorry, Sykkuno," he apologized. "I found this kid on the top of a mountain." He looked back at the kid on his back. "I'm surprised he's still sleeping." Suddenly, they heard bubbling noises get louder and louder and looked down at the ground only to find magma and lava seeping through the cracks under Jack. "Sykkuno, I think we should run before someone sees us."

Jack began to run away from that mountain as Sykkuno hurriedly ran after him. Thankfully he had all his stuff with him before they ran. "How high did you jump?!" Sykkuno exclaimed.

"I jumped off the peak!" Jack yelled back as they ran away from the rising lava.

"Why did you do that?" Sykkuno exclaimed as they stopped at the edge of the giant crater that Jack created at the foot of the mountain, watching the lava fill up the crater. "Now the locals are gonna blame us if the lava floods their villages!"

"I saw the kid at the peak!" Jack shrugged helplessly. "I wanted to bring him down quickly. Also, didn't you say you acquired time amulets recently?" He looked at his best friend.

"Yeah, but they're not supposed to be used on accidents like these!" Sykkuno gestured to the lava before sighing and slumping. "It's fine." He took out an amber rock and crushed it in his hand before whispering a spell as his voice began to echo as if many souls accompanied and supported his spell. Green tattoos gleamed from underneath his sleeves going up to the back of his hands, but the pattern was not very visible as his sleeves covered most of it. "Bring me back, turn back the clock, turn destruction to creation. From death to life, give hope to the dying. Restore the peace and life that once was and bring back life like a memory."

The dust that the rock turned into scattered in the wind and began to form a gold, glittery circle which started rotating in a slow motion. The land under it began to glow, and the lava went back down the cracks as it began to close and the dented ground began to elevate as the crater slowly disappeared.

Sykkuno brought down his hand and turned to Jack. "Let's go before the locals hunt us down because of the sandstorm you probably caused," he said.

Jack nodded. "I guess," he sighed.

Sykkuno began to walk away from the sight as Jack followed him. A few meters behind the spot they were previously on, when the land was healed, was a tree with a random beehive inside a dent, and some bees buzzed around as they talked to each other.


Tubbo sat in his garden playing with the bees when a bee came up to hover in front of his eyes holding a strand of corn hair from the fields under the cliff garden. Tubbo grew up with bees ever since he was abandoned, and because of that, he learned to understand bee language on a certain level. He could often understand what they wanted because of their movement, the way they flew, their speed, and what flower they sat on. At some point, Tubbo was able to train a small group of bees to bring him a certain item or do a certain movement to tell him certain information gathered by the bees.

"Tommy?" He asked.

The bee holding the corn hair dropped it on the daisy that Tubbo held in his hand before taking it from his hand. Tubbo's eyes widened as the bee hovered away from him for a moment before coming back without the flower.

"Someone took him?" He shot up to his feet. "Tommy's been kidnapped!"

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