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A whole month passed with everything being the same for Michael. He had not talk to the cute blond from the cafeteria, he didn't even know his name. But Michael knew they had a connection that flowed both ways.

Every day during lunch time he would catch the boy checking him out, it became a routine for both of them. Some days they would just waste the whole hour looking at each other. It was driving him crazy. He barely knew the guy but he could already feel himself falling for him. It even made him kind of jealous that Calum had classes with him.

On the other hand, Calum tried his best to fix Michael up with someone else, anyone else. He had made it way clear that he didn't like the blue eyed boy. He even tried to get Michael to date dimple boy, which they later learned is named Ashton.

Ashton and Calum became inseparable since day one, having too much in common. But Michael knew it was something else that made them inseparable even if they didn't.

They have known each other for most of their life; he grew to learn how he acted, what he liked, what he hated. He was sure that Calum liked the dimple boy even if he didn't know himself.

It was easy to tell. He would talk about him nonstop, his eyes would light up if he was ever mentioned or near, he would get easily flattered by him. The only thing that worried Michael was the possibility of him being in denial.

He remembers when he was in denial himself. It all started with a simple kiss when he was around fifteen, it was at a spin the bottle game. Everyone laughed and took it as a joke, he did too. But he couldn't get that feeling inside of him to shut up. He tried so much to convince himself it was wrong, that only made it worse.

He kissed a girl that day too, not for the first time though. And at the end of the day all he wanted to do was kiss the boy again until their lips bled.

Pushing that feeling away made him feel like shit, so drown out of life and he doesn't want that for his best friend.

Michael is snapped out of his thoughts by a loud scream, he looks up from him empty notebook to meet with and angry looking Mathematics teacher. He then understands she's waiting for an answer. Which leads him to two options, admitting he wasn't putting attention to the strict woman or making out an answer.

He takes a quick look at the blackboard where multiple algebra problems are written. He solves the shorter one in his mind and blurts it out making the teacher even angrier.

"I asked if you were paying attention not the answer to a problem we already solved." Damn it, he thinks. "I had enough of you ignoring my class, Mr. Clifford. I want you out and in detention after school." He takes his stuff and walks out of there knowing that she's not joking.

At the end of the day he makes his way to the room assigned for detention. He notices that the teacher is running late and enters calmly inside the room but then stops. The blue eyed beauty was there. This was his chance, this was destiny.

He walked to the boy at the end of the room without thinking it twice; he was now in front of him and two other guys that were with him. Before he has the opportunity to say something the blond stands up centimeters away from him.

"What do you want blondie?" He asks Michael rudely poking his chest. Michael just looks at him with shock, making the boy talk again. "Didn't you hear me? Get. Out. Of. My. Face. Faggot."

That last word wakes something inside of Michael; he was not only hurt but he was also mad. Michael pushes him harshly making him fall to where he was sitting earlier. He then grabbed his shirt and pulled him close to his face.

"If you call me that ever again I will personally rip your tongue out of your pretty little mouth, blondie." As soon as he let go of the rude boy he was already regretting doing what he did.

He hears the teacher arriving behind him and takes it as an opportunity to run to the front of the class saving himself from a severe beating he knows he will most likely get on the future.

"The name's Luke." He informs from his seat but Michael doesn't dare to turn around.

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