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The rest of the weekend went as smooth as Calum's ass.

Friday's accident wasn't mentioned again, they all tried their best to avoid the topic at all cost.

Calum's parents were on a trip and his sister went with them. They spent every single night sleeping on the kitchen floor with food all over the place. The perks of having the house all to themselves. The three boys quickly breaking the ice.

It was Monday now, the trio made their way to school. Ashton in the driver's place of his car with Calum next to him and Michael at the back. The whole vehicle smelled like flowers and cologne, just like Ashton.

"Hey, guys?" Michael raised his voice over the others making them pause the previous conversation. He took the silence as permission to keep speaking. "Are you sure the hair dye looks okay? Like, really really sure?"

He looked up from his lap to find the boys laughing. He signed and told them to stop since it wasn't funny.

Ashton tapped on Calum's arm with his elbow while keeping his eyes on the road signaling him to stop giggling. He may not know the now dark headed boy that much, but he understood why he was having second thoughts about his new hair color when he was clearly in love with it not so long ago.

And he hated it. He hated that society had that effect on people, making them doubt how they feel. It made him so angry, so sad.

"It looks great, Mikey. You look great." Ashton told him with a sincere smile while looking at him through the mirror as he parked the car. Michael blushed at the lovely comment.

Calum stayed unusually quiet.

Once the car was placed Michael took his time to get out of it, thinking that people would make fun of his new hair color. His friends snapped him out of it. He really did look good.

After walking away from the car he started feeling better, nobody really cared he dyed his hair. Luke cared.

He was looking from afar as he had his back pressed against the school's building. He was a bit shocked at the black hair. He remembered that he called him blondie just days ago. Did he do it because of it? Luke was thinking to himself as he admired the boy. Damn he looked good.

It wasn't long until he got caught by Michael. His beautiful green eyes looking up at his tired blue ones. He didn't have much sleep on the weekend; he couldn't stop thinking of the pretty boy laying on the floor, crying.

The blond noticed his black eye. Both look down at their feet.

Im really sorry for not updating in like forever. I suck at this, i know.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2016 ⏰

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