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"Tony, you have to come to school man. Everyone is asking about you. There are rumors going around saying your dead bro." Jaime was at my house for the tenth time this week trying to convince me to go to school. For all care, the rumors are true. I'm dead inside. I thought the person I loved me the most, hurt me. Then my best friend knew about it and didn't tell me. "Jaime. I could care less what people think." I shot back. He looked hurt about my statement. "I care Tone. I don't like when I walk down the halls and I heard stupid shit coming from people." I looked at him. "I have been out of school for two weeks now. Where is Oliver? He doesn't care. And honestly, I'm starting to wonder if you care." He looked at me with disbelief. "You think I don't care? If I didn't care, I would let you sit here and be a sour asshole. But I'm not because I care." He got up from his spot, and looked at me. "Have fun not having anyone by your side." With that he he left.

I sat on my bed and let the whole thing set in. That's when I realized that I really had nobody left. I  don't have a father. I don't have any friends. And I don't have Mike. I got angry. I didn't know what do, so I just started throwing things. I threw anything that was in my way. I had nobody. The thing I feared the most, was coming true. Being alone. I heard the door open, but I didn't bother to see who it was. I felt arms wrap around me shoulders. It was my mom. "Mijo, calm down. Por favor." She tried calming me down. She rubbed my heard, like she did when I was younger. I just cried in her chest. I was so hurt. I wasn't the same person anymore.

When the bell rang for lunch, I was one of the first five people to get out the class. When I got to the lunch room, Jaime ran up to me. "Um, hello?" I said, I was pretty shocked. "You have to talk to Tony or something. He is

"You have to do the right thing. You have to fix what needs to be fixed." I heard her say. What needed to be fixed? I didn't want to talk to Mike nor Tay. Oliver is god knows where, and I just blew things with Jaime. Nothing can be fixed right now, and it's all because of me. I sighed, and looked at my mom. She gave me a weak smile, and I did the same. I got off my position on the floor, and started cleaning my room. My mom did the same, and walked toward the door. "Your going to school today. And your going to fix everything. Your grades included." She told me. I nodded, and she walked out.

When I was finished cleaning, I changed my clothes, and walked to school. It felt weird, going to school after missing two weeks. When I got there, the hallways were full. I took my phone out and looked at the time. It was 12, lunch time. I sighed, and walked to my first period class. Math. When I got there, I knock on the door. "Come in." The teacher said. "Mr.Anderson, can I talk to you for a moment?" I asked, he looked up from what ever he was doing. He looked shocked. I was also shocked. Never in a million years did I think I would be trying to fix my grades.

"What seems to be the problem Mr.Perry?" He asked. I took a deep breath, before continuing. "I would like to get my grades up. I wanted to know if there was any work that I needed to make up. And if you could potentially help me?" I asked. His face turned pale. Like a ghost just walked into his room. He smiled. "I would love to help you. Swing by after school, and we can get started." I smiled and shook his hand. I walked out the class, and did this for the rest of my classes. I was going to change.


"Mike, don't be such a Prissy Paul. Be happy, he would have just brought you down any way." Andy told me. It's been since Tony ran away from me. I sighed. I wanted wake and for all of this to be a dream. But it's not. This is all real. "Mr.Fuentes and Mr.Leo do you care to share with the class what it is interesting?" The teacher ask us. I shook me head, but Andy of course had something to say. "Actually yes. I love Mike, and he loves me." I said, the whole class looked at us.

"Mr.Leo, principles office right now." Andy chuckled and grabbed his things. I was relieved when he was gone. I felt normal. To some extent. The teacher continued teaching, and for once something was going the way I wanted it to. The bell rang thirty minuets later, and Andy still hasn't come back from the principles office. I was getting a little worried, but then again, he is out of my hair. I had one more class, then it was lunch time.

 Fourth period went by very slowly. The teacher called on me to answer a couple of questions, but I didn't know the answer to them. I watched the clock every chance I got. I just wanted to get out of here. When the bell rang, I was one of the first five people to leave the class. I made my way to the lunch room. I wasn't really hungry, so I just made my way to the table, and waited for Vic and his girlfriend, Jenna. They were cute together, a little puppy love kind of thing.

I plugged my earphones into my phone, and blasted The Goo Goo Dolls. When I looked up, I saw that Vic, Jenna, and Jaime were sitting at the table. I was confused. Jaime never sits with us. I took my right earphone out, and gave him a questioning look. "Tony is here." Was all he said. My heart beat got faster. Tony is here? "He is going to all his classes. He said he wanted to change." How did he know all of this? He is his best friend I guess he would know this. I removed myself from the table, and made it my mission to find Tony. I wanted to explain everything to him. Only if he would listen.

He is in this situation because of me. I'm starting to think that maybe moving to California was a bad thing. Don't get me wrong, the sights are beautiful. The weather isn't bipolar. The guys here are amazing. But I created to much drama, and I've only been here for a month or so. I sighed, and kept roaming the halls, looking for the one that I love.

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