06 [Where did he go?]

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Polaroid Love [니키]
06 [Where did he go?]

Polaroid Love [니키]06 [Where did he go?]

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The summer camp ended so here we are riding the bus and ready to go home. Ah I hope I can do these type of vacations more often.

"Jihye-ssi, do you have water or something? I'm so thirsty!" Jihoon whisper-yelled as he asked with a mixture of complaining so I handed him a bottle of cold water.

"There, now shut it. I'm trying to get my beauty sleep," I said as I continued to sleep on Ni-ki's shoulder.

"Ah thanks, you're a life saver," he said as he almost drank the entire bottle. 

"You're heavy," Ni-ki complained while shaking my head with his shoulder on where I'm resting my head on.

"Yah stop it I'm going to get dizzy and throw up," I complained as Ni-ki moved away from me making me fall down.

"Yah! " I yelled making everyone in the bus look at us.

Oh gosh so embarrassing.

"Sorry," I apologized as I bowed numerous times while Ni-ki, Jihoon and Soo Ah was holding their laughter making me glare at them. 

A few minutes passed so I decided to sleep because the ride is still a bit long. 

As I was trying to sleep Ni-ki decided to sing a lullaby. Wow his voice actually sound... good.

"Hmh? Like my singing eh? You're now looking at the most famous modern singer there is!" Ni-ki jokingly said as I laughed at his behaviour.

"Just hush and continue your singing," I demanded as he laughed and continued singing.

After a few minutes we finally arrived and now me and NI-ki are heading to my house.

As we were walking we were just chit chatting random stuff and laughing together, like the good old days.

"We're here," I said as my puppy greeted us by barking making Ni-ki hesitate to go in.

"Aw Mr. puma is scared of a little puppy?" I teased him as he playfully pushed me and we both entered my house.

"Mom I'm home!" I yelled then I entered the kitchen seeing mom cooking some soup.

"Aw mom why are you doing all the work? Where's aunty Kim?" I asked as I took the spoon from her and made her sit down.

"As I said sweetheart, I'm fine," mom said as she flashed me a smile while I turned off the soup she was cooking.

"Jihye where are-" Ni-ki was looking for me then stopped when he saw mom with me in the kitchen.

"Who is he sweety?" mom asked as I sat went towards Ni-ki.

"Mom remember Ni-ki? That one Japanese boy from elementary?" I asked mom as she nodded her head.

"Ah Ni-ki is that you? You're so big now," mom said as Ni-ki shyly smiled.

Yeah mom I know, he's like a giant now. While here I am still having the height of a dwarf.

Ah the world is so unfair to me.

"Ah hi aunty, it's been a while," Ni-ki greeted mom as he bowed.

"Oh sit, sit. Just in time I was making your favorite soup. Well actually Jihye loves this soup too," mom offered Ni-ki as she was about to get the bowls.

"Oh no, no mom, I'll get them. You rest, okay?" I insisted as she just went and sat back down.

"She treats me like a baby," mom whispered to Ni-ki but loud enough for me to hear, I could also hear how Ni-ki is trying to hold his laughter.

Uhm I thought I was your child, mother? Hmp.

"Oh I forgot to tell you Jihye, Sunoo is upstairs if you want to see him," Mom said as my face lit up.

Wah Sunoo! He's my favorite cousin! I missed that guy, he's always busy ah he never has time for me anymore. 

"Ni-ki do you mind if I go up for a sec? I'll be back,"  I asked him permission as I gave him his soup and he nodded as a response.

"Okay thanks! Be right back," I said as I went running up the stairs like a little kid.

As I was in front of his old room that has never been used in a while I knocked on it. Yeah we never used it, he said he wanted to use it every time he'll visit.

"Yes aunty come in," he yelled from the inside of the room as I opened the door slowly.

"Sunoo!" I said as my arms were wide open, ready for a hug.

"Jihye? Jihye! I missed you!" he answered as he hugged me back.

"Why don't you visit more often? Huh?" I complained as my arms were on my waist.

"Hehe sorry, I was busy for our college entrance exam," he said as my mouth became into an "o" shape.

"Woah really? Oh by the way I have a friend down stairs, want to meet him?" I asked as he grinned at me.

I still wonder why I missed you so badly.

"Boy? Ohh who's the unlucky guy?" he teased me as I slapped his arm.

"Ow, kidding!" he said as he rubbed his arm on where I slapped it.

Ha! Good for you

"So you want to see him or not?" I asked as he nodded as a response.

"Okay let's go then," I said as I grabbed his hand and dragged him downstairs.

In a nice way guys, in a nice way. I don't want him to die HAHAHA.

"Ni-ki meet- Oh. Where's Ni-ki mom?" I asked mom as I searched around the living room and saw that he wasn't there anymore.

How upsetting, he left without telling me.

"His phone rang then he excused himself and never came back," mom said as he continued to drink his water.

"Oh, okay mom. Thanks," I said as I went back upstairs with Sunoo.

Where could he be?

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