Chapter 6

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A/n: hey guys. This is going to be an extremely heavy chapter. Please do not read this if you're not in a good mental space. I am no stranger to dark subject matter but, this is a lot. I will put a blurb at the end of the chapter for the necessary story details and a much lighter description of events. I will mark the start of it with a bunch of emojis so you can just scroll through and easily find where it's safe to read. Also, I'm putting a cute pet picture at the end cause this is going to be REALLY bad. This is your final warning.

  The world passed by in a blur outside the car window. I'd always known this territory was big but, I had no idea how much. By the time we get through the territory evening was upon us. I notice Grimm starting to drive slower and realize we must be getting close.

  Outside the window, I start to notice the odd appearance of the ground. The earth is dark and wet. It's littered with strange crevices and lumps the look out of place.

  The car runs over something making my body bounce up in its seat. I look over to Grimm for an explanation. The man beside me is grinning. It's not a nice smile. It's not even the sadistic one he usually gives me. His eyes are wide and unfocused. His skin is pulled too tightly over his face showing off every one of his teeth. It is the face of madness. 

  I look back to the window when he becomes too much. I find the window to be partially covered in something dark. When did it get there? Maybe when he ran over that thing some mud splashed up. It seems too thin to be mud but, in the dimming light, I can't tell what else it might be.

  The car pulls to a stop in a field, not unlike the one we passed on the way here. Grimm gets out of the car and much to my surprise comes around to open my door for me. I watch myself step out of the car and then as my foot immediately slips on something sending me flailing down. My eyes close bracing for a hard impact but, I'm surprised to land on something soft.

  I open my eyes and immediately flinch back startled. Two eyes stare right back up at me. There is something wrong about them though. I blink a few times allowing my eyes to adjust. When I realize what I'm seeing my stomach drops to the pit of my stomach.

  His eyes bulge out of his sockets. They are yellowed with rot and lack pupils. His lids swell up around them but, I know they can never close again no matter what kind of magic a coroner might work. His face is waxy and puffed. The now useless capillaries push against his skin. Their blue and black color bears a state contrast to its yellow backdrop. His nose appears broken in several places and leaks brown and yellow puss. His mouth is likely the worst part. His tongue pushes out past his purple lips.

  My body scrambles up to the best of its ability but I realize that I landed on it after tripping over another in much the same condition. I peak back up to the window and realize its dark coating is blood. Its blood from something, or more likely, someone who was left to lay and rot. It was someone who will never have a proper burial. It is someone whose loved ones will never again know peace.

   Oh God, all the other fields we passed. Bile rises in my throat and threatens to spill over my lips.

  Grimm grabs my arm and starts to drag my body off over piles and piles of bodies. At first, I think they were soldiers but, then I start to notice their clothes. There were as many women, children, and elderly as soldiers. These were civilians going about their daily lives. They never signed up for this brutality. They were like me. They were innocent. They had never seen the gruesome face of war.

  "Raúl and Luisa do you normally leave your guests to stand around when you're expecting company", Grimm shouts. The voice is not his own, or maybe it is. It is a cursed wicked sound that leaves his lips. If I hadn't watched him speak the words I'd have thought that they'd come from some unseen devil.

  Maybe fifty yards away I see two figures rise from the rubble. A man and a woman from the look of it.

  "Have you come to negotiate a cease-fire", one of them calls.

  "Actually, I've come to announce to you and the world that I've found my mate", he says pushing my body in front of him.

  "Is this what it was like for you Raúl?", he shouts, "when you found your whore?".

  "Grimm this is madness just call this off", he says.

  Grimm only scoffs, "after what your allies did to my beta?".

  "That man is dead now", he says, "only a child stands in his place".

  "I want justice".

  "You want blood".

  "Who are you to criticize me? You and your kind lit fire to my kingdom with your war. Now you curse me as I lit a torch in its embers and carried it here. Did you not kill my father with your own hands Raúl? You found righteousness in your whore and look down on me for not doing the same. I am not like you. I am indomitable. I will not fall to a woman, nor your bullets. I will scorch the land you call home."

  "Even mate, who all claimed would be my equal submits to me", he shouts.

  "What have you done?", this voice comes out more feminine than before.

  "Let me show you", with this I watch as the clothing falls away from my body. He cut it. I stand nude on the battlefield before the eyes of armies both living and dead. Maybe, this is what he meant when he said they'd make good use of me.

  I stand there in my shame. I am dirty and scarred. I beg my body to cover itself. It doesn't. I have lost total control of my mind and body. They are now his to do with as he pleases. My soul screams out inside me. The scream is a requiem for the girl I was and who I could've been. I am owned in every way that matters and am as meaningless as he believes I am.

  One of his hands goes around my throat and the other starts to play with my body as he usually does. Fingers press into my wounds as well as my more intimate parts.

  "Grimm stop, you've gone mad", he only cackles at the plea.

  "This is not madness", he crows, "it's power".

  "You will never know happiness, one day you will be struck with the weight of your sins, and when the day comes I pray for her sake you learn to stand under it". Grimm growls and shots ring out. Tiny explosions illuminate the night.

  Grimm pulls me and we both fall back into the ravine behind us.


She is taken to a battlefield. She sees a bunch of dead bodies. She kind of meets Raúl and Louisa. Grimm has lost his mind even more than usual. Grimm publicly sexually assaults her in a bid to prove his power.

Abbey(dog) and The Great Bambino(cat) cuddling

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Abbey(dog) and The Great Bambino(cat) cuddling.

Abbey(dog) and The Great Bambino(cat) cuddling

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