Chapter 2

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(Dorado's POV)

I couldn't believe my ears! I became a Gryffindor! The first Gryffindor in the Black family! I hop over to the red and gold table, my smile growing as I would never smile again! Then I Gryffindor again! I look to see who it was now, and it was Si! This is just perfect! I'm not separated from my brother! I feel stares and glares being thrown my way. I try to find who is doing that, unfortunately, I figure it out! I look over to the Slytherin table, my cousins are shooting Si and me dirty looks as though we had betrayed them. Well, I guess in a way we did! But I feel so free!

Dumbledore just told us to not enter the forest, like that's happening! Si and I are already planning when to go! Woah! Look at all that food! I can't wait till dessert!!!


I am already in love with our common room and my dorm! I m sharing my dorm with 3 other girls, Lily Evans (muggle-born), Marlene McKinnon (Pureblood), and Alice Fortescue (Pureblood). You might be wondering why I'm telling you their blood-types, it's just something I was taught to do I guess! I wonder how Mother will react if I become friends with 1 mudbl- muggle-born and 2 blood traitors! They all are REALLY nice honestly! I hope they want to be my friends!

"Hello! I'm Dorado Black! But call me Dora, NEVER Dorado, unless you want to face a painful death!"

"Hi! I'm Lily Evans! Ok, sure! I will be sure not to call you Dorado, Dora! Hold're the girl who was sitting in that compartment with Potter right?"

"Hey! I'm Marlene. McKinnon. Cool! Can I call you Rad?"

"Hi! I'm Alice Fortescue! Sure thing Dora! I'm so happy to finally be at Hogwarts! Arent you guys!"

This was basically how our conversation went until we decided to go to sleep! Alice is amazing! So are the other two! I'm sure we will be good friends! I'll have to talk to Si in the morning, right now, I am WAY too tired! My beauty sleep is more important!

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