Chapter 7

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Disclaimer: You already know how this goes...everything you recognize goes to Jk Rowling...Only Dora and the plot are mine!


As I came face to face with a full-fledged werewolf, I remembered just in time, never to scream or show fear in front of a werewolf! So first I calmed myself down and as I focused on my surroundings, I felt pressure bubble inside of me. I stepped closer to the wolf, and slowly stroked its head. The dog and stag just stood there frozen on spot! The wolf that was howling just 2 seconds ago now was playing around with me and the two other animals! Later in the night, ran into the forest with all three animals until we were sure we were lost! However, being a werewolf means having an excellent sense of direction! So following the grey werewolf, me, the dog, and stag finally made it out! then I turned around for a second and the three were gone! I saw the sun was about to come out, so I headed back inside! I slipped into the dorm and fell asleep as soon as my head touched the pillow! I dreamt of a wolf, dog, and stag all running in circles around me!

For a while now, I was thinking about who that werewolf was. Then while I was sitting in History of Magic (yes, I took that as a subject), it hit me! I know of only one werewolf in the school and that is the one and only Remus Lupin! I was so grateful that I had a free period next!

I found the boys sitting by the lake because apparently, they also had a free period! I walk up to them, but before I can say anything Si says, "Why didn't you tell me you could still talk to animals! And that you can calm down animals! Am I not your brother?". Taken aback at how he could possibly know about my powers, I say "Well! I wanted to tell you as soon as I found out about it, but you were always too busy with your stupid group called the Marauders, weren't you! To be honest, Remus cares more about me than you do! He helps me with my homework when I need it and when I fell down and had an enormous gash on my forehead, it was Remus who took me to the hospital wing, not you! Did you even know, I was this close to dying!", James cuts in before Si can say anything and says "Ok maybe he doesn't pay attention to everything you have been through, doesn't mean he doesn't care about you!". Without realizing my hair changes from black to flaming red as I yell at James! "SI DOESNT CARE ABOUT ME! I DONT KNOW WHAT I'VE DONE TO MAKE HIM HATE ME BUT FOR SOME REASON HE DOES! AND YOU ARE NO BETTER HONESTLY! BUT I DIDN'T EXPECT ANYTHING FROM IN THE FIRST PLACE! Maybe it's the fact that I actually care about Reggie and Si here doesn't, but whatever it is, it doesn't matter anymore! Because he hasn't cared about since 2nd year and I doubt he ever will!" With that, I run away from them before the tears in my eyes can fall, barely acknowledging the shouts from Remmy saying to come back! As I run, the tears come out and don't stop! I just keep running and running until I fall down and by then, I'm too exhausted to get up and do anything! I would have stayed there for hours if some very familiar pair of feet hadn't stopped in front of me! Using his arms, my dear brother helped me up and gave me a big hug! I told Reggie that he was everything to me and if he ever left me, I wouldn't survive!

Ever since that incident, I have avoided the boys completely except occasionally talking to Remmy. The girls are amazing, they have started to talk to Reggie and actually have grown pretty fond of him! Reggie and I go up to the astronomy tower every night AFTER curfew to look at the stars! Honestly, I don't understand how Reg wasn't in Gryffindor! As I was walking through an empty corridor, I saw Si cautiously walking towards me. I immediately stiffened up and stopped where I was. Si approached me and without looking at me, he stopped in front of me. Looking down at the floor he said "Hey Dors, I'm sorry, I've been a jerk, I know, and you have every right to not forgive me...but please just give me another chance!". I ask in a soft voice "Are you really saying that from your heart or because Remmy is making you?", he responds almost immediately, "At first Remus was making me, but as I thought about it, I realized how much I have ignored you the past few years. I missed out on being there for you when you needed me most! Give me another chance!". When he finished talking, I pulled him into a hug a muttered into his ear "Don't worry, I forgive you! I forgave you every time! You and Reg are all that I have at home and sometimes even here! So I forgive you a thousand times, Si, I do!", as I pulled away I saw him finally look into my eyes and saw the sincerity and regret filled in his eyes! I gave him a quick smile encouraging him to do the same!


A/N: I made myself cry while writing this chapter, but I loved the last paragraph SO much! I am overall very satisfied with this chapter! Quick question what house are you from? I'm a Gryffindor for life! Don't forget to review!

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