Chapter 8

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Disclaimer: I don't own any of the HP world, just Dorado and the plot!


Dorado's POV:

After Si had apologized and I had apologized for overreacting, James had come and done the same soon after. Now, I hang out with Reggie as well as the boys and the girls! I also prank with Fab and Gid! So overall, my life has become better than it was a few weeks ago!

The boys were pretty understanding about my powers after I explained to them that I had started getting lessons with Dumbledore from the beginning of this year. Did I mention that I can read minds! If I focus on something specific, I can read the person's mind!!! I was SO happy when I found out! is a Girls Night! Just me, Lils, Marly, and Al!

Now I have been forced to go down to the kitchens and get some snacks right after telling the boys that I'm gonna hang out with the girls today! I go and tell the 'Marauders' and because everyone else except James is being lazy. He comes with me to get some snacks for themselves as well!

With my arms full of cookies, chocolates, candy, and a bunch of other stuff, I enter the dorm. We start talking about random things which lead to us talking about MORE random things! Marly and I are in an argument about why I should call her Marly when I hear a loud knock on the door! Then someone starts pounding on the door! I go to open the door, ready to beat up whoever it is. I find a worried-looking James and Si in front of me! I ask them what's wrong, annoyed because I specifically told them not to disturb me tonight! They say it's an emergency! This makes me curious so I ask them to explain! they say they'll explain in their dorm, so to the girls' disappointment I tell them that I have to go, but to make it up I tell them that if it isn't an 'emergency' then I will go to Hogsmeade with them! I rush to the boys' dorm with James and Si, and as soon as I close the door, they say "We need you to read Lucius' mind!"!

"What? Why?!"

"Just do it!"

"Tell me why!"

"Fine...we heard Lucius saying something about attacking someone!"

"Oh! Alright, hold on!"

I looked into his brain and what I saw was shocking! I saw Reggie surrounded by Lucius, a bunch of other Slytherins, and...Peter!!!


A/N: Mwahaha!! Another cliffhanger! I know this chapter was short, but I really wanted to create some suspense! What do you think about Peter's new 'gang'? Don't forget to review!

Love u!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2022 ⏰

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