Black Plague

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If you didn't mind the bloody nose, the bruising skin, and scratch marks on his right cheek, he actually looks pretty cute, from what you could see that's not covered by his mask.

But Ryuko really did him in. When Master Fu said subdue him, he didn't mean maim. At least she was merciful enough to knock him out.

I stood against the farthest wall of the cell. Sure he's chained to the wall, but I couldn't take any chances. He isn't called"The Black Plague" for nothing.

I almost felt sympathy for him until I saw his fingers twitch. The atmosphere in the room felt different.

"I know you're awake. You can stop pretending now."

A low chuckle vibrated from his throat. He slowly lifted his head up and peeped one eye open. They were a deep shade of emerald green. "What gave me away?"

"You're poor muscle control. Next time you try to fake being unconscious, try being perfectly still," I said. He breathed out a laugh, visibly flinching I'm guessing from the dark bruise on his jaw. I took a step towards him before I reared back. Even if he was chained to the floor, he's still too dangerous to get close to. I kept stepping back until my back was pressed against the wall. He peered at me from his seated position on the concrete floor. He raised an eyebrow and was sporting a faint smirk. "Why are you so far away, little bug? In my current state, I'm currently harmless."

"You killed two of my men as soon as you arrived here." I deadpanned. Luckily those two didn't have any family to miss them.

"Exactly. If I had my full strength you would all be dead by now."

"Lucky us." There was a knock on the cell's bars. Rena was standing outside of the cell with the prisoners' dinner.

With a swift sneer in the Black Plague's direction, she handed me the plate before leaving. He was eyeing the plate as I brought it over and set it in front of him. "Fish and chips? I never would've thought that when I finally got captured I would be treated with such lovely service."

"And I never thought that the "Black Plague" would be so talkative."

"And handsome."

I scoffed, "More like full of yourself."

"So you don't think I'm handsome. I don't know. You were checking me out pretty hard earlier."

He's seriously been awake for that long! Suddenly those perfect cheekbones of his looked good to use as punching bags. "What is Hawkmoth planning?"

His grin slipped away. A more somber mask fell over his face. "Sorry, LB. Can't exactly share that."

"And why is that? Bad kitties do get punished, you know."

"I would love to get punished by you any day Ladybug. But whatever you guys can dish up, isn't anywhere near as bad as what Hawkmoth can."

"But you're his greatest weapon. Why would he punish you?"

He fell silent for a moment. "Why indeed." He bowed his head. It was obvious that he was done talking.

"Rena!" Rena came back with the cell key. I walked out of the cell and Rena locked it behind me. The Plague looked up and it looked like he was contemplating on say something until he said: "Hawkmoth is coming."

"We'll be ready."

"Everyone always says that until he comes."

What does that mean? Nevermind, I have to report to Master Fu. "Rena, unlock the chains and put the cuffs on him so he can eat his dinner." I spared him one last glance before I walked out of the dungeon and left in Rena's caring hands.

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