~chapter 4~

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I told ccino everything, he say anything, he looked serious, it scared me. "hm..this isnt a normal way to get lost... it seemed to after you drew the flower, weird things started to appear... do you have your sketchbook?" I looked around me and turns out I came empty handed "nope sorry" he walked around the room in circles as he started thinking. "do you have anywhere to go?" I Shook my head as I looked around the window, I didn't know where I am. "do you have any loved ones that you think might be able to help you?" I sighed as I shook my head. "you can stay here for a while I suppose, do you have your phone?" I didn't have any thing but I searched my pockets, I found a phone. "ah, I see you do have a phone, well then add my number. If anything goes wrong, call me" I nodded my head and added him.

I stayed in his house for two days, there are loads of cats coming in and out. Its been fun but now I need to leave. I cant stay at ccino's cottage forever, I waved good-bye to ccino and headed out. Before I left ccino gave me a backpack filled with goods, as a goodbye, so I can survive for a week or so in the wild. I was walking through the forest, listening to the bird sounds as I walked along a river, Hoping it could lead me somewhere. After hours of walking, the trees around me started to become black, as if it was rotting, it suddenly started raining heavily, I ran under a huge tree, it was still alive compared to the other trees. I looked around the tree, there seemed to have the same teal flowers on one side and yellow flowers on the other. I looked at the branches of the tree, there was teal/black apples on the tree. It looked like a galaxy, I wanted to take one home so I reached out my hand to grab it, but my gut told me not to pick one. I hesitated at first then backed away from the apples. I sat on the tree's roots waiting for the rain to stop. After a while, I feel asleep on the tree.

I woke up. This time I was still at the tree, I didn't dream anything so I felt better. The rain had stopped and I smiled at the tree then walked away, not sure why I smiled though, I just felt like it. I walked through the forest but the trees kept getting more dead as I went deeper into the forest, I got creeped out but I had to keep walking.. Very cautious with each step I walked until I saw a giant castle, I gasped at the sight of it. I saw a window and I thought of breaking in, looking for the owner and asking where am I. as soon as I got close to the window, I stopped. My guts told me to not take any step forward and back away. I took 3 steps away from the window, I stood there for a bit, waiting for something to happen. But nothing happened, I took a stick that had fallen from the dead trees and threw it on the ground next to the window to see if anything was going to happen. To my surprise, something happened. There was a trap hidden under the snow and dead sticks and leaves. If I didn't trust my gut, I would have been dead right now. The moment the trap stopped, there was alarms, ringing loud. I ran. I ran as fast as I could, I hid behind the tree from earlier, the one with teal/black apples. I held the tree as tightly as I could, I didn't want to move until the alarm had stopped. But I heard someone, some people talking. "ugh theres nothing, I was hoping it was a human." I stopped. There were people killing humans there. "its always these dead trees that set off these trap, lets go" I listened as they walked away. I didn't know how I felt after hearing that. I didn't move from behind the tree, it was dark, so I decided to sleep under the tree tonight, then find my way out again... 

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