Chapter 15

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Three months later . . .

Boruto continued his routine, practicing the gentle fist in the morning while studying medical ninjutsu secretly with the help of his Shadow Clones in the afternoon

With everything going smoothly in the past months he was down to one scroll left inside the worn out scroll

As he unrolled the scroll what caught his attention was the detailed information about ,chakra pathway system, which is said to enmeshed within the body, transporting chakra through the body and each organ as the circulatory system does blood. The system is in some way involved in the creation of chakra itself as well, as every cell in the body is connected to this pathway system by a capillary which draws out the cell's physical energy and is refined into chakra by several organs, such as the heart

"Understanding this system is the key to the Hyūga clan's Gentle Fist fighting style which forces chakra into an opponent's chakra pathway system. Proper application uses the system as a conductor sending harmful chakra directly to vulnerable vital organs. As there is no way to train a person's organs to resist physical or energy attack this method of fighting is extremely effective. So if the chakra flow to a section of the body is blocked by such techniques as Gentle Fist then that portion of the body will be unable to release any chakra from any of the tenketsu resulting the victim to quadriplegic state if incase the victim forcibly run his chakra in these tenketsu may result to backlash and even rupture the said pathway or tenketsu even both" Boruto thought to himself which made his amazed expression into a more serious one after realizing how amazing and dangerous the gentle fist is at the same time

In the end of the scroll was a detailed sketch of a person with an accurate and precise location of all the 361 nodes of the tenketsu "Whooaaa!! I guess this medical information was created with the help from the Hyuga clan when Grandma was still the hokage to further understand human physiology" said Boruto in amazement

Then Boruto had a crazy idea something that suddenly popped in his head as he was looking at the scroll he then lift his hand, looked back at the scroll

And took his time to compare the two then made a calculated guess where his tenketsu might be located in his hand with the help of the scroll as his guide he then lifts his other free hand made a thin needle made out of pure chakra and gently made a two fingered thrust four degrees northeastern part from the center of his palm

After a few seconds a mild stinging pain followed then he noticed that he lost control over his pinky finger


Chakra Pathway System - is a term used to describe the points within the body that channel chakra through it. Simply put they serve the same function for chakra as blood vessels do for blood. Along the chakra pathways, there are 361 nodes called tenketsu that control the flow of chakra like circuit breakers, and within those tenketsu are Eight Gates which control body function and strain levels.

Also about the backlash part you might argue that Naruto defeated Neji in the pre-timeskip chunin exam and was able to use chakra even though Neji blocked his tenketsu remember that he has the nine tails and helped him recover from the side effect of his tenketsu being blocked

Some people can't open this chapter so I republish it again I hope it is fixed now sorry for the inconvenience

Happy New year to all

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