Chapter 1

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Sundays are the normal routine for Lumine to challenge Childe in a duel at the Golden House. Usually it is the day where a lot of materials are available on domains but Lumine tends to spend the day with Childe before a new week start. 

After defeating Osial, she never missed a day to challenge Childe every week. They became training buddies and battle each other to show their improvement as time goes by.

"Hey Ojou-chan, may I ask why you chose to schedule our fight every Sundays?" Childe asked the blond girl who was packing her things up after a long duel with the gingered-haired man. "Well I can't choose where to go on these days that's why I chose to spend the last day of the week with you. It's easier than to choose for other options." Lumine answered.

"Then does this mean that I get to spend a whole day with you every week? My, I'm flattered" Childe smirked trying to annoy the traveler that was glaring at him. "I just need to get some materials from you. There's no special meaning behind that." Lumine muttered before she left.

Their routine continued on for weeks, not until Lumine became busy going back and forth to Mondstadt and Liyue. Childe caught some news that the traveler was seen on Dragonspine. 'She must be enjoying herself.' Childe sighed as he looked at the paper works he had to do for the diplomatic affairs in Liyue due to the backlash he received after unleashing Osial.

'I am glad that they didn't banned me from staying in Liyue since it will conflict the relationship of Snezhnaya and Liyue, but leaving me in charged for these documents was quite unfair. I would prefer being sent on a mission that requires fighting.' he thought.

Childe's eyes wandered until he saw a letter from his family on Snezhnaya. He quickly grabbed it and saw that the first letter came from his sister Tonia and the other one was from Teucer addressing the letter for Lumine.

Childe reminisce the time that Teucer came at the Northland Bank together with Lumine. Ever since that day, Lumine's approach towards Childe changed. Even though she appears to be rough on Childe, she saw him as a friend. Same goes for Childe. "So he took a fancy on Ojou-chan." Childe said as he put Teucer's letter away to hand it over to the Traveler when they see each other again.

The big lantern displayed at the harbor just got released. Lumine spent her days together with Xiao trying to convince him to watch the lanterns as per Verr Goldet's request. She also saw a lot of familiar faces during the festival but I don't think she wondered that she hasn't saw that ginger-haired even once.

The festival hasn't ended yet. Lumine smiled as she glanced at Paimon, who was busy looking at the stalls. "Hey Lumine! Let's go at the Wanmin restaurant. Xiangling said that she cooked new recipes." Paimon stated. "You can go there first, I want to look at the stalls more. Let's meet up there, okay?" Lumine responded. She wants to explore Liyue this night since she's been busy doing quests for everyone lately.

"Okay if that's what you want." Paimon agreed before leaving at the direction of Xiangling's restaurant. Lumine decided go to Bubu's pharmacy since Liyue Harbor can be seen there clearly. On her way towards there, she caught a glimpsed of the certain Fatui walking down the stairs beside the Jewerly shop. As soon as he saw her, a smile flashes through his face but she knew that smile was just for performance.

"It's pleasant to see you here, Ojou-chan." Childe greeted. "I thought that the Northland Bank had a few days off." Lumine responded. Childe shrugged "Yes they have but I'm not included. How about you? Where are you off to?" he asked. "Sightseeing, I've been busy these past few days. I want to enjoy the festival tonight." Lumine answered.

"Then have fun. I'll be heading off now." Childe was about to leave but I asked him. "You're not going to see the festival?" Childe only stared at me before answering. "Due to some events, I'm not allowed to roam freely in Liyue Harbor. And I would prefer fighting enemies than sightseeing."

'Does this guy not know how to have fun? This guy... his life only revolves on fighting.' Lumine frowned. "Hey can you meet me at the Golden House? I'll be there for a moment." she said before running of somewhere.

Childe waited for Lumine outside the building. While waiting for the girl, he stood there watching the floating lanterns in the sky. "Sorry! It took too long to make these." Lumine walked towards Childe as she held two Xiao lanterns.

"What's that for?" Childe asked. "Let's release this together. I know a right spot." Lumine stated. They climbed the mountain beside the Golden House and sat at the grass. Liyue Harbor can be seen at their spot with lanterns floating around as new ones were being released.

Lumine gave Childe the other lantern and asked him to write his wish on the lantern. Childe found it ridiculous but did what he is told. "Do you have any hobbies aside from fighting?" Lumine asked while they watch their lanterns floating in the sky.

"My hobbies are Ice fishing I guess?" Childe replied. "Teucer mentioned that before. I forgot to tell you this but thanks for sending my reply to Teucer." Lumine flashed a small smile at Childe. Her bright gold eyes shine due to the moonlight. 'Like a star in the sky.' Childe thought as he felt comfort just by looking at her.

"Say... what did Teucer told you on his letter?" Childe asked as he hid the small blush on his face. "That's a secret between me and your brother." Lumine chuckled. The two of them talked with each other throughout the night, watching the lanterns slowly fade away from their sight.

After that night, the two of them became closer than before. Lumine would normally bring something from her adventures and give it to Childe. In return, Childe would always accompany her on some of her adventure if she needed help.

It's not frequent that she needed help from Childe since she needed Zhongli's support ability than his. At the very least, she visits him even though it is not Sundays. Teucer always ask about Lumine on Tonia's letters. Childe smiled as he looks at the Windwheel Asters Lumine gave him earlier.

Lumine just got back at the Windblume Festival held in Mondstadt and stated that she picked the flowers from Stormterror lair on her way back to Liyue. Childe chuckled as the thought of the blond girl getting annoyed on his remarks.

Childe took a paper to reply on Tonia's letter. His thoughts were filled with Lumine. When did he start feeling like this? It was since the day he met her. A simple amusement turned to affection.

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