{Chapter 2}

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There he is, My past Vice Captain, Who was now a high schooler.

"Hi little guy!"

Chifuyu finishes his ice cream in one bite, He carries Baji in his arms, Baji liked it, He liked it so much he accidently purred.

"Aww!!!~ What a cutie! Lets get you into my home!"

Baji was embarrassed, But he missed Chifuyu and seeing him smile, Baji wonders what happend when he was not here for the past three years.

{Baji Keisuke, First Mission complete good job. 1st Mission: Meeting one of the most important people in your life,Matsuno Chifuyu}

"[I see...]"

Chifuyu gets up the stairs and he visits Baji's apartment

"Hey Auntie! I just came by!"

Baji's mom exits her room and went where Chifuyu was.

"Hey Chifuyu how was school?"

"It was good! I found a stray on the way here hes really cute!"

Baji's mom looks at the stray.

"That's the cat that went in Baji's room earlier.."

"Oh? I see... Anyways heres some groceries for you Auntie! Also Kazatora Kun said hi!"

"Chifuyu you don't have to keep doing this you know! And also say hi to Kazatora Back for me!"

"No worries Auntie! See you tommorow!"

Chifuyu heads out and runs to his apartment.

"You have a friend here little cat! Don't worry. I'll take care of you."

Chifuyu smiles as he heads in and slowly closes the door, He sets himself on the couch and sets Baji on the table.

"I haven't introduced my self yet! Hi. My name Chifuyu Little cat. Hmmm... What should i name you."

Chifuyu thought of a name until one name crossed his mind that made him less cheerful, Chifuyu sighs.

"I'll name you Baji i guess... Since you look like him."

Baji hissed

"[Add the "San" to it Chifuyu.]"

Chifuyu flinched.

"What the hell was that! Who said that?! Add the San?!"

Chifuyu then looks at the cat again, Baji the pretends to be innocent.


Chifuyu sighs.

"Baji san it is... I guess...."


"You wonder what happend in middle school? Who is talking to me? No one is here... If you insist then little cat. I'll tell you everything."

"I started as a lame ass delinquent who beats people up, And also doesn't care if they are older than me or not, All i care about in the past was to be the top delinquent of the school, Until my friends introduced me to Baji Keisuke, At my first impression he just looks like a normal nerd, But i couldn't be more wrong, Totally he was a dumbass who is in a nerd outfit, Until when i was getting beat up by some random ass gang, He saved me from that chaos, And shared peyoung yakisoba with me, That was the first time i respected someone."

"We became a duo when i joined Toman after 2 months of being friends with him, My hair was still looking like an omelet that time hehe, But i changed my hair once again and turned into what i am now, A soft Dumbass. Until 2 years later, Vallhala arc happend... Unfortunately Baji san beat me up to prove that hes not a traitor and joined Vallhala, But i know he has one reason. Baji died during the fight, Got stabbed, And stabbed himself."

"Then after a few weeks pasted Takemichi explained to me that he was a time leaper, Crazy right?, He said that i died in the future, I was killed by the one and only Kisaki, I'll explain what i did. I was trying to avenge you and your death, Because i knew that Kazatora wasn't the one who was behind this but kisaki is, I have been betraying toman and trying to kick out Kisaki until he figured me out, Technically Mikey kun got missing, Draken getting executed, Takemichi who can't control himself cause he was in the past."

"I got shot in the head but Kazatora was able to save Takemichi, Me and Kazatora had been friends there and when he got out of jail i was the one who took care of him, As a promise, Both of us has been working together until he lost me too, Back to the present on Christmas. A conflict between black dragons Vs Toman happend, Kisaki and Hanma betrayed us there 4 of us was supposed to be a team but we both knew we shouldn't have trusted them both."

"The only ones who fought was Me,Takemichi,Hakkai,Mitsuya kun,Draken Kun, Yuzuha San, and Mikey kun vs Kokonoi, Inui and Taiju, Toman won with not all of the members but defeated a gang, And then Kisaki and Hanma got kicked out. They joined tenjiku and... Another conflict happend in February 2006. 50 vs 400, Kinda unfair right? Emma chan got injured that time her life was at risk but she survived, Izana san died by getting shot with Kakucho hitto, Both of them died together during the first snowfall, after 2 years im now 17, But till today im glad that Tokyo Manji Gang still exists."

"I have been working for year and a half and also have been visiting Kazatora in jail, I was trying to find a fast way to bail him out. Huh god lord help me."

Baji had felt Bad that he missed everything, It wasn't anyone's fault he died.

"Lets go for a little visit Baji San, I want you to meet someone."

Chifuyu smiles as he carries Baji in his arms. Chifuyu then started heading out and went to the parking lot. His customized bike was there. It had the Toman logo on it and it also had a painting of Baji and Kazatora smiling.

"I Painted this for 3 hours woth paint that last for 15 years. I painted Baji San and Kazatora kun in my motor so i won't forget about them both. Lets go to Somewhere Baji San."


Chifuyu smiles.

Chifuyu puts Baji on his Bag and Baji was peaking a little on the bag. They visit Juvie.

"Here we are. Lets go visit Kazatora kun."

"Matsuno your back again!"

"Hey Haruka san. Yes i am can i visit Kazatora kun?"

"Of course!"

They started walking towards the meeting room (idk what its called.)

Kazatora laughs.

"Chifuyu! Why do you visit 2 times a day!"

"I can't help it ok! Im worried something might happend to you here or something! Oh! I want to introduce you to someone!"

Chifuyu takes out Baji from his bag.




"Right! When i first saw him as a stray like 2 hours ago i felt shivers this cute little cat LOOKS LIKE BAJI SAN."

"[Isn't it obvious it's me]"



Chifuyu laughs.

"I also named him Baji san because he liked it."

Kazatora sits up perfectly.

"Yes. Supremacy! Muah~"


There Chaotic hang out lasted until it got dark. Baji was just happy that both of them are friends.

"Now lets visit Baji san..."

Chifuyu started driving once again and slowly entered the cemetery.

The stopped near Baji's grave.

"Mikey Kun? Draken Kun? Takemichi?"


{To be Continued}

Words: 1202 words.

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