Ch. 1 - The Thief in the House

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A group of 6-7 people was shouting as they were chasing after a guy wearing an old black hoodie with a pair of denim which fits loose to his skinny yet strong legs. His black hair was messed due to running and jumping from one alley to another.
Jumping over a bike, the brown-eyed boy takes a sharp turn running towards the dark alley. 

"The thief is running in that direction, Go catch him." A man shouted.

"Today if I get that thief I'll break his bones," said the other 

"It's not that easy to catch Metawin" the thief said in lower voice, climbing the wall of the nearby house. He finds a wooden ladder standing on a wall he immediately climbs it and enters a window which was left open on the 1st floor and hides there.

People outside were not able to find him so they decide to go back to their home as it was midnight by now.

Metawin breathes a sigh in relief. After a minute of calming down, he takes a small torch out of his pocket and looks around the room turning it on.

'OMG! Here are many precious things that can be stolen, and a lot of money, my destiny has brought me here for my happiness.' He thought and smiled.

Metawin looks around the whole house and finds that it was dark and locked from the outside.

'It's good that no one is at home, now I can do my job without any obstacle.'  He starts collecting all the precious things and money.

'These people must be very rich
After 20 min looked at his bag which was now full of things and still there were many things left.
He thinks that many things can be stolen from here but he can't take all those things tonight and thinks of coming back the next day as that house seems heaven to him.

He doesn't mess the house as he always does when he robs a house cause he was planning to take the remaining things the next day and don't want anyone to suspect anything. So he keeps things as they were and was about to go out of the window when he heard the sound click of the door opening.
Metawin rushes to hide. He hides in the space between the cupboard and windows behind the curtains.

He curses why the family came home early and also thank God that there was a place to hide.

He heard someone opening the door walking in and then saw lights turning on. He tries to peek from behind the curtain and saw a young, innocent-looking fair-skinned boy with dark brown hair and a round pair of glasses screening his brown eyes. The guy walks to his desk, sits on the chair grabbing a book to read.

Irritated Metawin in his mind- 'Who studies at midnight? You want to be the next robert aainstaain??,

by looking at his face I can tell that he is a bookworm. - Metawin Thought

A middle-aged lady comes into the room.
"Bright, here take your medicines. You haven't taken any today?"

"Oh, thank you, aunt Jena," the boy said taking the pill and the glass of water from his aunt. And gulps it down.

"From next time don't forget to carry your medicine with you when we go out. You know it's important to take them. You know what happens when you get a panic attack."

"Aunt Jena, I know, please calm down. I promise I won't forget to carry my meds, okay?"

"That's like a good boy, after your parents, I raised you as my son I never made any difference between you and Gawin, I do worry about you cause I care for you, I love you, son"

"Aunt Jena, I know and I love you too. Now it's too last you must be tired you should go and take rest."

Jena smiled and pat Bright's head before she left. Bright continued reading his book when he heard the door shut.

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