Ch.3: Another night of restless fear

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Previously in ch.2:

"No way I'm going down their again after that! I'll get mom to do it when she wakes up I'm to tired right now to go through that again." I felt myself relax just a bit, my mind going to that man fear going through me again he said we'll see each other again in my nightmares, and he knew my name. He also said before that i should know who he was but i didn't.

He seemed to control that black stuff that held me, it felt warm and it didn't grip me as hard as i thought. Come to think of it he basically saved me back their from cracking my head open on that wall. He looked angry at me though but why? Why does he look familiar though i feel like I've seen him before maybe, but i don't know him.

(Back to story pitch pov)

Once i had woken up it was still dark out i had slept for a few hours in an alley god this was degrading. I felt better once i felt that fear again, fear of someone watching through the shadows and i smiled it was that girls. But i also felt another fears and it wasn't the girls and much closer.

Much much closer, i looked around and saw a man in the alley he was slumped over near the garbage, he was filthy and strung out. I got closer to him as he freaked out i can practically taste his fears, he had a needle in his arm his eyes were blood shot. And he can obviously see me as he was cowering up against the wall and garbage, i shook my head humans and their drug's.

It's funny how certain medications and drugs these mortals make can open the mind more and some can even be able to see spirit's like myself if their strung out enough. The fear i was getting from this man was......going to have to do for now at least i can get a little snack in. I smirked down on him as he was shaking it was from both fear and the drugs in his system.

I didn't get to to close to the man since I'm still barefooted i did not want to get my foot cut on anything with garbage around, i kneeled down Infront of him watching the fear in his blown out eyes. I'm going to squeeze every ounce of fear i can out of this man he won't remember a thing afterwards.

I grabbed the man by his throat and lifted him up against the wall his feet didn't even touch the ground he tried to claw my arm off him but he has to try a lot harder to get me to let him go. I felt a surge of energy from this man's fears and i haven't even dug into his mind yet to get more. The damned voices were screaming at me now.

"Kill him, kill him!"

"Turn him make him one of ussss"

"Take all hissss fear feasst on him until theirssss nothing left of him!"

"Don't be weak, finissssh him off "

"It would be ssso easssy to kill thisss mortal jussst like old timesss do it"

My grip on the man's throat tightened the voices of the fearlings really don't know how to shut up! But it would be so very easy to kill this man right now but I'm not in the killing mood right now especially towards a mortal already with half a foot in the grave. All i want from this man was his fears every last drop. I placed my other hand on his forehead digging deep into his fears.

Feasting on them feeling my strength return more but it still wasn't enough! I need more this was only enough for me to control the shadows a bit i smiled and used that strength to place shadows on his body to keep him on the wall. I let go of his throat as my shadows held him up for me his fears growing at what he was seeing. My shadows returned to my body but i knew it would only be brief if i used the little power i had without replenishing it.

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