Ch.6: Another visit with a new addition

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Note: long chapter

Previously in ch.5:

I won't let what happened to me a third time not this time around, i walked towards her window and opened it while i held my clothes i got onto the roof and left the window open and just climbed down her house. I didn't have the power right now to shadow travel at the moment and i need all that i can spare to move forward to my plans form now on i can't loose anymore energy or power i must keep gaining more and more, so I may teach myself new tricks and combat skills for the upcoming fight.

For now after Halloween I'll have enough strength to move forward i won't let myself be seen my any guardians or spirits not until Christmas Eve that is. The guardians won't know what hit them I'll make them pay every last one!

(Back to story Jack's pov)

Its been a few days since the meeting, and tooth, me and sandy are going to keep an eye out. I haven't been back to Burgess in a while been spreading winter and keeping an eye out on the kids in other continents. It took a while to get to Burgess but i got their and started looking for Jamie and his friends to have a bit of a snow day even though it shouldn't be snowing yet here i can make an exception. Since i am a winter spirit and the guardian of fun.

I searched around the town making ice and frost around where i went making a little mischief as i went searching. I knew the kids were out so where are they? "Their they are!" I went down to them and they all looked scared and sad. "Guy's what happened you alright?" Jamie looked at me and he ran up to me and hugged me i wasn't expecting it.

"Jack! We need you's..." He suddenly stopped and i got more worried. But before i could ask what's going on some girl and her friends started talking to Jamie. "Hey kid who are you even talking to?....hey wait a sec your the Bennett kid that loser babysits wow sounds like your going just as crazy as her." Who is she talking about she seems the type that picks on other's.

"Jamie who's this? And are they talking about y/n that babysitter you've told me about?" I looking back at Jamie and he started talking again and at the corner of my eye i saw Pippa, Claude, and cupcake looking in some alley what were they doing. "Oh that's grace one of y/n's bullies". I looked back to the girl Grace she looked the same age as y/n. I had seen y/n before a few times sucks she didn't see me though i know she likes to babysit and play with Jamie and Sophie and their friend's.

"Hey! Don't ignore me i asked you a question and i demand an answer." She got closer to Jamie the others in the alley came back. "I'm talking to jack Frost, and were you bullies y/n earlier?". The girl scoffed and put her hands on her hips. "Wow now i think i see where she got her weirdness from a kid who still believes in fairy tales, jack frost doesn't exist kid as well as the Easter bunny, tooth fairy, Santa Claus, especially the Boogeyman".

Ok now i was started to get mad. My grip on my staff tightened who even does this telling a child that we don't exist! "Listen up kids they don't exist your parents do all that stuff to make you believe in stupid fairy tales. The Santa Claus isn't real parent buy your gifts for you and put them under the tree, the tooth fairy isn't real adults take the teeth when your asleep and put money under your pillows. Adults hide Easter eggs not the Easter bunny." If i was seen by them i would tell them exactly what I think maybe not Infront of the kids though.

Pippa spoke up angry. "They do exist Jack's right here with us, only people who believe can see them. We met them all first hand last year even sandman and fought together defeating the Boogeyman." Jamie and cupcake backed her up and grace just laughed. "God you guys are such babies to believe in that type of stuff, no wonder that loser hangs out with you guess losers and children have to stick together huh". Grace turned around and started leaving her and her group of friends laughing they won't be laughing after this.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2022 ⏰

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