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📍𝗒/𝗇 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝖺𝗂𝗆𝗂'𝗌 𝖺𝗉𝖺𝗋𝗍𝗆𝖾𝗇𝗍
𝗆𝗈𝗇𝖽𝖺𝗒, 𝗇𝗈𝗏𝖾𝗆𝖻𝖾𝗋 𝟤𝟧𝗍𝗁, 𝟩:𝟣𝟨 𝗉𝗆

just after she'd showered,
y/n heard knocks on her
apartment door. she quickly
threw on some shorts and
a t-shirt before all but
sprinting through the
apartment to let akaashi in.

she unlocked the door,
seeing akaashi standing
on the other side with
takeout in one hand.

upon seeing each other,
matching grins appeared
on each of their faces and y/n
pulled him in by his collar,
shutting the door behind them
and locking it.

"i missed you!"

she threw her arms around
akaashi's neck and hugged
him tightly. he held her with
his free hand and chuckled.

akaashi keiji
"it's only been a few hours,

akaashi keiji
"but i missed you, too."

akaashi keiji
"i brought food."

he pulled away from her and
held up the food. y/n smiled.

"oh, thank you!"

"are you hungry now?"

akaashi shrugged.

akaashi keiji
"if you are."

y/n nodded.

"sure! want to watch [favorite

she went into the kitchen and
grabbed some plates and napkins
while akaashi hung up his coat
and met her in the living room.

"oh— i washed your clothes if
you want those back."

akaashi keiji
"keep them. they look better on
you anyways. besides, i might
need them when i come over

y/n laughed, sitting down on
the couch. akaashi sat next to
her and placed the food on the
coffee table next to the plates.
y/n turned on the tv.

"what episode were we on?"

"eleven or something?"

akaashi nodded.

she played the episode and
the two ate dinner together
while talking over the tv most
of the time.

after dinner, y/n and akaashi
did the dishes and cleaned up
together. the television had long
been forgotten as y/n and akaashi
messed around trying to make

akaashi stood behind y/n with
both hands on the counter on
either side of her as he watched
her mix the batter from over
her shoulder.

y/n placed it in the oven, turning
towards akaashi and smiling

akaashi laughed.

akaashi keiji
"you have some flour-"

he got closer and wiped off the
tip of her nose, placing a kiss
on it.

"thank you."

y/n breathlessly spoke.
she blushed and turned her
head a little to the side in
embarrassment. akaashi
gently grabbed her jaw and
turned her head to look at
him as he stared at her
adoringly. he leaned in
with a smile and kissed her.

y/n quickly melted into his
lips and kissed him back,
placing her hands around his
neck and twirling his hair
around her fingers.

he groaned in pleasure and
kissed her more passionately,
pushing her up against the
counter and pressing his body
against hers.

his lips trailed down her
jawline and to her collarbone
as he lifted her up to sit on the
counter. she whimpered when he
found her sweet spot and she felt
the smirk on his lips as he lingered


akaashi keiji

"keiji, no hickeys, i have school

he chuckled, sending a vibration
throughout y/n's body, then pulled

akaashi keiji
"what about where they can't see?"

akaashi's fingers gently fiddled with
the hem of her shirt where his
hands were holding her waist. he
glanced down before meeting her eyes

y/n looked at him with a look that
could only be described as pure lust.
with a nod, she placed her hands on
his and pulled her shirt over her head.

akaashi stopped and stared at the
woman in front of him, admiring her
body and her [skin color] skin.

akaashi keiji
"oh my god."

akaashi keiji

y/n blushed, burying her head in
the crook of akaashi's neck.

akaashi keiji
"you're perfect, y/n."

akaashi gently lifted y/n off of the
counter and carried her to the couch
in the living room, laying her down
and climbing over top of her.

his fingers trailed over her skin
from her jawline to the waistband of
her shorts before he kissed her lips
again, savoring the taste of them
and how they seemed to fit so
perfectly with his.

he pulled away and looked at her.

akaashi keiji
"when does aimi get back
from work again?"

published: november 26th, 2021

smut next chapter maybe 😏💪‼️ idk i haven't decided yet LMAO 💖

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