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📍𝖺𝗄𝖺𝖺𝗌𝗁𝗂'𝗌 𝗁𝗈𝗎𝗌𝖾
𝗍𝗎𝖾𝗌𝖽𝖺𝗒, 𝖽𝖾𝖼𝖾𝗆𝖻𝖾𝗋 𝟥𝟣𝗌𝗍, 𝟣𝟢:𝟥𝟣𝗉𝗆

nearly a month later, y/n, aimi,
bokuto, sakusa, hinata and the
miyas were gathered at akaashi's
home to celebrate the new year.

over the course of the past
few weeks, y/n and aimi grew
very close to all 6 guys, especially
their boyfriends, and aimi and
and bokuto became official.
koji even started calling aimi his
auntie, which absolutely melted
her heart.

it was safe to say that whenever
they all weren't working or in
class, they were together in some
capacity. akaashi's house became
a second home for y/n, and she
probably spent more time there
over the past month than she did
in her own apartment.

koji, of course, absolutely loved
having y/n around, yet y/n and
akaashi still hadn't told him they
were anything more than friends
as they were completely unsure
of how to do so.

on tv, a program played about
the new year which would arrive in
no time. no one was paying too
much attention, and instead they
were all conversing over the tv.
aimi took a sip of her champagne,
holding a finger up as if she
had just remembered something.

matsuzaki aimi
"oh my god! y/n, i just

matsuzaki aimi
"we haven't said our

atsumu and bokuto both gave
her a weird look while akaashi
chuckled a bit. aimi playfully
smacked bokuto's arm, which
was around her shoulder as
they sat side by side on the

matsuzaki aimi
"don't look at me like that."

matsuzaki aimi
"it's tradition! it started
it as a joke when we were
first years; y/n and i said some
really stupid specific things
that we wanted to happen,
but then when the next new
year came around and we
thought back, we realized
all the dumb stuff we said
for our resolutions actually

matsuzaki aimi
"so every year after that,
we've said our resolutions
and they've all ended up
happening that year."

bokuto koutarou
"well now i want to know
what your resolutions were."

y/n and aimi immediately
made eye contact, thinking
of the same resolution that
happened a few years ago.
both of them knew that they
definitely could not tell
their boyfriends as it may
or may not have had to do
with sleeping with their
floor's residence assistant
so y/n wouldn't get busted
for having an air fryer in
their dorm room.

the two exploded into
laughter, leaving everyone

"okay, okay."

y/n stopped laughing.

"obviously the big ones
were like, 'get straight a's',
or 'get this internship', but
we would always throw in
some stupid little thing to
see if it would happen."

"this year, one of mine was
to learn how to juggle."

aimi laughed.

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