Chapter Fourteen

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***Shawn's POV***

"We need to find a new leader." I said

"But who will it be?" Dillon asked

"We can vote on it." suggested Aaron

"Okay, right now we need volunteers that would like to lead, after that we will vote." I said

"I want to lead." I say

'I want to lead as well." said by Dillon

"Is that everyone, that what's to be the leader." said Aaron

"Well, if it's just us two you can both be co-leaders." said Jack G

"Well, that's true, we had two last time." said Dillon

"Okay then, Dillon and I will be your leaders." I say

"Okay, so I have a plan, we should split up into groups of four and try to find an escape." I suggest

"That sound like a plan." said Dillon

"Okay, Aaron, Jack and Jack come with me." I said

"So that means Sammy, Jacob and Beth you guys come with me." said Dillon

***Dillon's POV***

I feel good being that leader of my group, but at the same time any death that happens will be my fault. We are making our way to the around a hall, when I see something. It looks like any opening, maybe it can be a way for us to escape and leave this place.

"Do you guys see that?" I asked

"What do you mean?" asked Sammy

"That little opening on the other side of the hall." I answered back

"I see it." said Jacob

"What if it is a trap." said Beth

"Then, since I am the leader of the group, I will go to it." I said

'Just be careful." said Sammy

***Beth's POV***

This is all going according to my plan, this is going to work perfectly. I felt like I should have not said that it seems like a trap. But oh well, someone had to bring that option up. I see him walk slowly and with each step gets me more excited about what was about to happen.

"I do not think I can go any further, I'm a bit scared that something might happen." said Dillon

"It's okay, you can come back." Said Sammy

It is now or never, I put my hand in my pocket and push the button to start the show.

***Dillon's POV***

As I made my way back to the group, I heard something open. I looked to find out what it was, and then arrows started to fly everywhere. every time I got one in my body it hurt. All I wanted was to make the pain go away. Then they stopped, and Sammy was right by my side. Then everything went black.

***Sammy's POV***

Dillon just died in my arms, he was a stiff lifeless body now. At least all of the pain that he was feeling is gone. I'm sad that he is died, but I have to be strong for him and make it out for him.

" We need to go back and take him with the other." I said quietly

"Okay." replied the rest of the group

As we make out way to the front the house, I feel like I'm alone, I turn around and I see nobody, we were separated, and I knew by who, by the person who is doing all of this to us, that is person that is going to pay if it kills another of my friends. I do not want to relive that experience seeing one of my friends die in front of me. I will do anything in my power to retrieve Beth and Jacob, and make it pay for everything that it has done to us.

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