Chapter Eighteen

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***Jacob's POV***

I woke up to face the reality, that it is the next round, and I have more of a chance to die now. I just look at her, the girl that has my heart. The girl that I thought i had something real with. I still love her and I feel like I shouldn't but I just do. Then she looks at me, like she always does, with love in her eyes. it kills me that I am in love with a murderer.

***Beth's POV***

I hate that Jacob has to go through this, the boy that has my heart. I know he might think that I am insane, but I hope that after this he will never stop loving me. I just feel so bad that he knows that I was the one killing his friends, and he would worry about me when I would kill someone. I hope that one day he will be able to forgive me and we can leave happily ever after. then the other two guys wake up and it is time for the next round.

"Now that all three of you are awake, we can start the second to last round which will be, riddles." I said

"The order this round will be Shawn, Jack and finally Jacob." I tell them

"The rules are the first person who does not answer three riddles correctly will die, just like the other rounds." I inform them

"Shawn , your riddle is, what are two things that you can not eat for breakfast?" I ask him

He looks at me like he know the answer to this one, and then says," Lunch and dinner, this one was easy."

"Shawn, that is correct, nice job." I tell him

"Jack, your turn and you better not fake that you do not know answer or you know what happens. Your riddle is what tastes better than it smells."

He looks at me with a sad look on his face, and softly says, " A tongue."

"Jack, that is correct, you have learned from your mistakes." I tell him

"What did he do?" Asked Jacob

"Why don't you ask him." I replied with

"What did you do?" Asked Shawn

"He looks like he was going to cry but he then says," Before all of this happened, Johnson and I were together. we had to answer riddles. He got his wrong, I pretended to get my wrong to save him, but she knew that I knew the answer. So when I picked myself to die, she killed him instead, for my punishment." He said with tears coming down his face

"Know that you guys know what not to do, Shawn it is your turn. Your riddle is, what goes in the water black, and comes out red?" I ask him

He thinks about it for a few moments then he says, " A lobster?"

"Shawn, that is correct." I tell him

"Jacob your riddle is, what can you catch but not throw?" I ask him

He looks a little confused, but then he answers with, "A cold?"

I tell him," Jacob that is correct."

"Jack your riddle is, a very pretty thing am I fluttering in the pale-blue sky. Delicate, fragile on the wing indeed I am a pretty thing. What am I." I tell him

He looks at me with sadness, he then answers in a shaky voice and tears coming down his face, "This is for you Johnson, I will not lie again on this riddle. The answer is a butterfly."

"Jack that is correct, nice job." I tell him

He just gives me a death stare, that I happen to pick the riddle that ultimately killed his best friend.

"Shawn, your riddle is, what kind of room has no doors or windows?" I asked him

He look a little lost with what I just said, but then answers with, "I am going to take a wild guess and say mushrooms."

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