Chapter Nineteen

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***Shawn's POV***

I woke up to see her, the girl that Taylor wanted to have a thing with. I can not believe she was the one to kill him. He wanted a relationship, but instead got death, by the girl that had his heart. I hate her for playing with him. What hurt the most was that I supported him, to make a move on Beth. Then Jacob woke up. Now the last round with begin.

***Beth's POV***

"For the last round, we will be doing presidents. I will give you the number and you will tell me who is the president. So if I say, who was the twelfth president, you would have to name the president." I inform them.

"You know the rules, you have three strikes in this round as well, who ever gets three strikes will die, you have a fifty, fifty chance of survival or death." I tell them

"Let's start with Shawn, who was the fourteenth president?" I ask him

He looks at me with a confident look, than says, "Franklin Pierce."

"Shawn that is correct." I tell him

"Jacob, who was the second president?" I asked him

He looks like he knows the answer but is uncertain, but then he answers with, "Was John Adams?"

"Jacob, you are correct."I tell him

"Shawn, who was the fifteenth president?" I asked him

He gives me the same confident look, and then says, "James Buchanan."

"Shawn, that is correct." I inform him

"Jacob, who was the sixteenth president?" I ask him

He looks at me with a look like he knows that he will not get it wrong, then he says, "Abraham Lincoln."

"Jacob, that is correct." I tell him

"Shawn, your turn, who was the seventeenth president." I ask him

"It was Andrew Johnson." He says a little shaken when he says Johnson

"Shawn, that is correct." I inform him

"Jacob, who was the eighteenth president?" I ask him

He looks at me with a face that he probably knows but is unsure, but then says, "Is it Ulysses S. Grant."

"Jacob, that is correct. You guys are really good at this." I said

"Shawn, who was the forty-third president?" I asked him

He looks at me with a face that he for sure knew the answer, he then says, "George W. Bush."

"Shawn, that is correct." I tell him

"Jacob, who was the thirtieth president?" I ask him

"It was Calvin Coolidge." He says with much confidence

"Jacob, that is correct." I inform him

"Shawn, who what the thirty-first president?" I asked him

He looks like he knows since Jacob just said who the thirtieth was, he then says, "Herbert C. Hoover."

"Shawn, that is correct." I tell him

"Jacob, who was the sixth president?" I asked him

He looks like he does not know the answer, he then says, " I do not know who was the sixth president was."

"Jacob, the sixth president was John Quincy Adams. I am sorry but you know have a strike, you have two more strikes." I inform him

"Shawn, who was the eight president?" I ask him

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